ramble on

ramble on

1. to wander about aimlessly. (As with a traveler or a winding path.) The road rambled on through mile after mile of wilderness.
2. [for a structure] to spread out over a large area, perhaps in a random way. This old house rambles on, way back into the woods.
See also: on

ramble on (about someone or something)

Fig. [for someone] to talk endlessly and aimlessly about someone or something. (Based on ramble on.) I wish you wouldn't ramble on about your first husband all the time. Must you ramble on so?
See also: on

ramble on

Speak or write at length and with many digressions, as in As the speaker rambled on for at least two hours, the audience became restless. This idiom was first recorded in 1710.
See also: on

Common Names:

Ismahel-Biblical Latin
JennaJEN-ə (English), YEN-nah (Finnish)English, Finnish
FoxFAHKSEnglish (Rare)
Gena (2)-Russian