rank and file

rank and file

1. Lit. regular soldiers, not the officers. I think there is low morale among the rank and file, sir. The rank and file usually do exactly as they are told.
2. Fig. the ordinary members of a group, not the leaders. The rank and file will vote on the proposed contract tomorrow. The last contract was turned down by the rank and file last year.
See also: and, file, rank

rank and file

Followers, the general membership, as in This new senator really appeals to the rank and file in the labor unions. This expression comes from the military, where a rank denotes soldiers standing side by side in a row, and file refers to soldiers standing behind one another. The first recorded figurative use of this term was in 1860.
See also: and, file, rank

rank and file

n. the common members of something. What will the rank and file think of the proposal?
See also: and, file, rank

Common Names:

Maksimmahk-SEEM (Russian)Russian, Belarusian, Macedonian, Ukrainian
Constans-Late Roman