ration out

ration something out (among someone)

to give people limited shares of something, attempting to make it last as long as possible. The captain rationed the water out among all the crew, trying to make it last as long as possible. Jane rationed out the cookies among the kids.
See also: out

ration out

To distribute a fixed portion of something, especially food that is allotted to persons in military service or to civilians in times of scarcity: The government rationed out flour and sugar during the war. The hikers had very little water and had to ration it out carefully.
See also: out

Common Names:

Veselin-Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian
Aglaiaə-GLAY-ə (English), ə-GLIE-ə (English)Greek Mythology, Greek
ÉIbhear-Irish, Irish Mythology
Delia (1)DEEL-ee-ə (English), DEEL-yə (English), DEL-yah (Italian, Spanish)English, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Greek Mythology