
cool reception

An unenthusiastic, disdainful, or unfriendly welcome. My wife met me with a rather cool reception when I came home at 3 AM.
See also: cool, reception

warm welcome

A hearty, hospitable reception or greeting, as in We got a very warm welcome when we finally arrived. This expression, dating from the mid-1700s, should not be confused with the similar warm reception, which from about 1700 signified a hostile welcome, as in His rivals were planning a warm reception for him.
See also: warm, welcome

Common Names:

Yachin-Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Morwen-Cornish, Welsh
BarnabasBAHR-nah-bahs (German), BAHR-nə-bəs (English)German, English (Rare), Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Ursinus-Late Roman