
retail at something

to sell at a retail price of something. This model normally retails at a much higher price. What does a product like this usually retail at?
See also: retail

retail for something

to sell for a retail price of an amount of money. This item retails for less than ten dollars. How much does this retail for?
See also: retail

retail something to someone

to sell something to someone at a retail price. I can retail this merchandise at ninety percent of the price of my competitor. We are not allowed to retail this to anyone in the state of Maine.
See also: retail

Common Names:

AdenAY-dənEnglish (Modern)
Aki (1)AH-keeFinnish
Caius-Ancient Roman
Aleksandraah-lyek-SAHN-drah (Russian), ah-leek-SAHN-drah (Russian), ahl-ek-SAHN-drah (Polish)Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Serbian, Bulgarian, Slovene, Croatian, Macedonian, Estonian
BlytheBLIEDHEnglish (Rare)
ShadrachSHAD-rak (English), SHAY-drak (English)Biblical