

1. n. ice cubes. Can I have a few rocks in my drink, please?
2. n. Xerox Inc. (Securities markets, New York Stock Exchange.) When she says, “Buy me a thousand rocks at the market,” that means she wants one thousand shares of Xerox at whatever the market price is at the moment.
3. n. money; a dollar. (Underworld.) Twenty rocks for that?
4. n. the testicles. (see also stones. Usually objectionable.) I was afraid I’d get kicked in the rocks, so I stayed back.
See also: rock

Common Names:

DagmarDAHK-mahr (German), DAHG-mahr (Finnish)Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, German, Czech, Slovak, Finnish
VÖLundr-Norse Mythology
Benitobe-NEE-toSpanish, Italian
KolbyKOL-beeEnglish (Modern)