Fig. Inf. to know what's what; to be intelligent and aware. (Always in the negative. Shinola is a brand of shoe polish. A person who doesn't know shit from Shinola is very stupid.) Poor Tom doesn't know shit from Shinola.Fred can't tell shit from Shinola, and he's been made my boss.know someone as someone to know someone by a different name. I know her as Candy La Tour.She has been known as Mary Rogers since her marriage.
exclam. You are kidding!; No shit! (A play on the expression indicating that a stupid person doesn’t know shit from Shinola. Shinola is a brand of shoe polish.) So taxes are too high? No Shinola!
not know shit from shinola
tv. to know what’s what; to be knowledgeable in the ways of the world. (see also No shinola! Usually objectionable.) That jerk doesn’t know shit from shinola! Don’t even ask him about it!