
big stink

A major contention, complaint, fuss, furor, or scandal. There was a big stink among the investors this morning over the issue of bonuses for employees. Jim decided to make a big stink at the wedding because he still harbored feelings for the groom.
See also: big, stink

give (someone) the stink eye

To make a facial expression of unreserved disgust, contempt, disapproval, distrust, or general ill will toward someone. Some guy across the bar has been giving me the stink eye since we came in. It must be something to do with my outfit. I must have done something wrong on Friday because the boss gave me the stink eye as soon as I came into work on Monday.
See also: eye, give, stink

the stink eye

A facial expression of unreserved disgust, contempt, disapproval, distrust, or general ill will. Jonathan, I will not tolerate getting the stink eye from students during class. If you make that face at me again, you're going to the principal's office! Some guy across the bar has been giving me the stink eye since we came in. It must be something to do with my outfit.
See also: eye, stink

think (one's) shit doesn't stink

vulgar slang To assume an air of arrogance, condescension, or superiority over others; to think that one is better or more refined than other people. Look at her, hobnobbing with the rich upper crust and refusing to come talk to us. Just when did she start thinking her shit doesn't stink?
See also: shit, stink, think

think (one's) shit don't stink

vulgar slang To assume an air of arrogance, condescension, or superiority over others; to think that one is better or more refined than other people. Look at her, hobnobbing with the rich upper crust and refusing to come talk to us. Just when did she start thinking her shit don't stink?
See also: shit, stink, think

create a stink (about something)

 and make a stink (about something); raise a stink (about something)
Fig. to make a major issue out of something; to make much over something; to make a lot of complaints and criticisms about something. Tom created a stink about Bob's remarks. Why did he make a stink about that? Tom is always trying to raise a stink.
See also: create, stink

kick up a fuss

 and kick up a row; kick up a storm
Fig. to become a nuisance; to misbehave and disturb (someone). (Row rhymes with cow. Note the variations in the examples.) The customer kicked up such a fuss about the food that the manager came to apologize. I kicked up such a row that they told me to leave. Oh, what pain! My arthritis is kicking up a storm.
See also: fuss, kick, up

*like stink

Inf. rapidly. (As fast as a smell spreads. *Typically: go ~; move ~; run ~; swim ~.) Those kids moved through the whole test like stink. Real eager-beavers. The wood chipper went through the brush like stink and turned it into a small pile in minutes.
See also: like, stink

make a (big) stink (about someone or something)

 and raise a (big) stink (about someone or something)
Fig. to make trouble about someone or something. Why did you raise a big stink about it? Jim is making a stink about Alice.
See also: make, stink

make a stink

(about something) Go to create a stink (about something).
See also: make, stink

raise a (big) stink

(about someone or something) Go to make a (big) stink (about someone or something).
See also: raise, stink

raise a stink

(about something) Go to create a stink (about something).
See also: raise, stink

smell something up

to cause a bad or strong odor in a place or on something. Your cooking sure smelled this place up! The spoiled meat really smelled up the house!
See also: smell, up

stink on ice

Sl. to be really rotten. (so rotten as to reek even when frozen.) This show stinks on ice. The whole idea stank on ice.
See also: ice, on, stink

stink something up

to make something or some place smell very bad. Your cooking really stunk the place up! The rotten eggs will stink up the whole house.
See also: stink, up

stink to high heaven

 and smell to high heaven
Fig. to smell very bad. What happened? This place stinks to high heaven. This meat smells to high heaven. Throw it away!
See also: heaven, high, stink

stink with something

to smell very bad with the smell of something. The room stinks with a garlicky smell. Our garden stinks with the smell of something rotting.
See also: stink

kick up a stink

to cause an argument about something that seems wrong The consumer group kicked up a stink about the defective tires on SUVs.
See also: kick, stink, up

raise a stink

also make a stink
to complain angrily about something Parents really should raise a stink about violence on children's TV shows.
See also: raise, stink

stink up something

also stink something up
1. to make a place smell unpleasant Take the garbage out before it stinks up the entire house.
2. to do something very badly Every time I begin a new job, I worry that I'm gonna stink it up, you know?
Usage notes: sometimes used to suggest that an experience causes you to react as you would to a bad smell: The Dolphins stunk up Rich Stadium by losing 40-0.
See also: stink, up

smell/stink to high heaven

to smell very bad That chicken farm stinks to high heaven.
See also: heaven, high, smell

kick up a fuss/row/stink

to complain loudly in order to show that you are very annoyed about something Our food was cold so my father kicked up a fuss and refused to pay the service charge.
See also: fuss, kick, up

kick up a stink

  (British informal) also make/raise a stink (American informal)
to complain angrily about something that you are not satisfied with He kicked up a stink at the restaurant because the meal was late.
See smell to high heaven, kick up a fuss
See also: kick, stink, up

big stink

A major scandal or furor. For example, If they don't improve the women's facilities, Marjorie will make a big stink about it . [Early 1800s]
See also: big, stink

kick up a fuss

Also, kick up a row or storm . Create a disturbance; start a fight. For example, The soup was cold, and Aunt Mary began to kick up a fuss, calling for the manager, or There's no need to kick up a row; the boys will leave quietly, or If they fire him, Carl is ready to kick up a storm. These expressions all employ kick up in the sense of "raise dust or dirt," a usage dating from the mid-1700s.
See also: fuss, kick, up

make a stink

Also, raise a stink. Create a great fuss; complain, criticize, or otherwise make trouble about something. For example, They promised to fix the printer today; you needn't make a stink about it, or The parents were raising a stink about the principal's new rules. This idiom transfers an offensive odor to a public fuss. [Mid-1800s] Also see make a scene.
See also: make, stink

smell up

Also, stink up. Cause a bad odor, as in These onions smell up the whole house, or Your old sneakers are stinking up the closet; throw them out. [Mid-1900s]
See also: smell, up

stink to high heaven

Also, smell to high heaven. Be of very poor quality; also, be suspect or in bad repute. For example, This plan of yours stinks to high heaven, or His financial schemes smell to high heaven; I'm sure they're dishonest. This expression alludes to something so rank that it can be smelled from a great distance. [c. 1600]
See also: heaven, high, stink

smell up

To cause something to have a strong foul odor: The pungent soup I cooked smelled up the kitchen for days. You should wash the T-shirt, since you were the one who wore it to the gym and smelled it up.
See also: smell, up

stink up

1. To cause something to have a strong foul odor: The garbage is stinking up the kitchen. Keep your shoes on so you don't stink the car up with your smelly feet!
2. To perform very poorly in some place: The movie is stinking up theaters across the US. That band really stunk the joint up last night.
See also: stink, up

All options stink

and AOS
phr. & comp. abb. All options stink.; There is no good solution. I don’t know what to do. All options stink. Since AOS, I’ll do nothing at all.
See also: all, option, stink

(as) close as stink on shit

phr. very close; intimate; inseparable. In love? He’s as close to her as stink on shit.
See also: close, on, shit, stink

close as stink on shit

See also: close, on, shit, stink

big stink

n. a major issue; a scandal; a big argument. Don’t make such a big stink about it.
See also: big, stink

holy stink

n. anything repellent; a real mess; a great argument or debate; a major issue. You really created a holy stink with that silly remark.
See also: holy, stink

like stink

mod. rapidly. (As fast as a smell spreads.) Those kids moved through the whole test like stink. Real eager-beavers.
See also: like, stink

raise a stink (about someone/something)

and make a stink (about someone/something)
tv. to make a big issue about someone or something. I hope you don’t plan to make a stink about the problem. If they use that kind of language with me, I’ll raise a stink.
See also: raise, stink

make a stink about someone/something

See also: make, stink

raise a stink

See also: raise, stink

make a stink

See also: make, stink

smell to (high) heaven

1. in. to smell very bad. This kitchen smells to high heaven. What besides garlic are you cooking?
2. in. to give signals that cause suspicion. Something’s wrong here. Somebody blabbed. This setup smells to high heaven.
See also: heaven, high, smell


1. in. to be repellent; to be suspicious and poorly planned. (Of schemes and plots.) This whole setup stinks.
2. n. a commotion. (see also raise a stink (about someone/something).) The stink you made about money has done no good at all. You’re fired.

stink on ice

in. to be really rotten, bad, poorly done, or repellent. (So rotten as to reek even when frozen.) This show stinks on ice.
See also: ice, on, stink

Common Names:

NikoNEE-ko (Finnish)Finnish, Croatian, Slovene
Minervami-NUR-və (English)Roman Mythology, English
Ruslanroo-SLAHN (Russian)Russian, Tatar, Bashkir, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Azerbaijani, Ossetian, Cheche
SteffenSHTE-fen (Low German)Low German, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch