
even Steven

to be even (with someone or something) by having repaid a debt, replied in kind, etc. Bill hit Tom; then Tom hit Bill. Now they are even Steven. Mary paid Ann the $100 she owed her. Ann said, "Good, we are even Steven."
See also: even, Steven

even stevens

  (British informal) also even steven (American & Australian informal)
if two or more people are even stevens, they have the same amount of something or are at the same level Give me £20 and we're even stevens - I'm not worried about a few pence.
See also: even


Exactly equal; also, with nothing due or owed on either side. For example, I've paid it all back, so now we're even-steven. This rhyming phrase is used as an intensive for even. [Mid-1800s]


1. mod. evenly divided. He made the two piles of diamonds even-Steven and then let me choose which one I wanted.
2. mod. even; balanced. Now that we’ve given each other black eyes, are we even-Steven?

Common Names:

Brijesh-Indian, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi
Lilya-Russian, Ukrainian
Adelardo-Spanish, Italian (Archaic)