
be thankful for small mercies

To appreciate small or minor benefits, advantages, or opportunities one is afforded, particularly in the midst of an otherwise difficult, frustrating, or unfortunate situation or circumstance. My car's air conditioning stopped working two hours into my cross-country road trip across America. The radio still works, though, so I guess I should be thankful for small mercies. Our son's accident left him without the use of his right eye; we're just thankful for small mercies that he still has the use of his left one.
See also: mercy, small, thankful

be grateful for small mercies

To appreciate small or minor benefits, advantages, or opportunities one is afforded, particularly in the midst of an otherwise difficult, frustrating, or unfortunate situation or circumstance. My car's air conditioning stopped working two hours into my cross-country road trip across America. The radio still works, though, so I guess I should be grateful for small mercies. Our son's accident left him without the use of his right eye; we're just grateful for small mercies that he still has the use of his left one.
See also: grateful, mercy, small

*thankful for small blessings

grateful for any small benefits or advantages one has, especially in a generally difficult situation. (Typically: be ~; become ~.) We have very little money, but we must be thankful for small blessings. At least we have enough food. Bob was badly injured in the accident, but at least he's still alive. Let's be thankful for small blessings.
See also: blessing, small, thankful

be grateful/thankful for small mercies

if someone should be grateful for small mercies, they should feel grateful that something good has happened, although it is not everything that they wanted They've agreed to end the meeting half an hour early. I suppose we should be thankful for small mercies.
See also: grateful, mercy, small

Common Names:

Firuza-Azerbaijani, Tajik, Uzbek
SelwynSEL-winEnglish (Rare)
DagnÝ-Ancient Scandinavian, Icelandic
Ba'alBAY-əl (English), BAYL (English)Near Eastern Mythology