中文 – 简体
"I see," said the blind man
(a little/bit) rough around the edges
(a)round the bend
(a)round the clock
(a)round the corner
(a/one's) place in the sun
(all) great minds run in the same channel
(all) the world over
(as) black as the devil
(as) black as the minister's coat
(as) old as the hills
(as) quiet as the grave
(as) silent as the grave
(deep) in the weeds
(deep) into the weeds
(do something) or get off the pot
(if the) truth be known
(if the) truth be told
(lone) voice in the wilderness
(not) half the person/man/woman (one) used to be
(one's) ass is on the line
(one's) autumn years
(one's) moment in the sun
(one's) way out of a paper bag
(some score) from the East German judge
(special) snowflake
(the good) Lord willing and the creek don't rise
(the) clock is ticking
(the) Dunkirk spirit
(the) elephant in the room
(the) fact is
(the) man/woman of the hour
(the) next thing (one) knows
(the) odd one out
(the) woman of the moment
(the/an/one's) artistic style
a (sudden) rush of blood (to the head)
a babe in the woods
a big fish
a big fish in a small pond
a bird in the hand
a bit on the side
a bite of the cherry
a blast from the past
a blot on the escutcheon
a blot on the landscape
a bolt from the blue
a box on the ear
A burnt child dreads the fire
a camel's nose (under the tent)
a chip off the old block
a cloud on the horizon
a cog in the machine
a cuckoo in the nest
a cut above the rest
a devil of a time
a diamond in the rough
a dog in the manger
a drop in the bucket
a drop in the ocean
a drug on the market
a dwarf standing on the shoulders of giants
a feast for the eyes
a figment of imagination
a firm hand on the tiller
a flash in the pan
a flutter in the dovecote
a fly in the ointment
a fly on the wall
a hair in the butter
a hole in the wall
a Jack the Lad
a kick at the can
a kick at the cat
a kick in the balls
a kick in the butt
a kick in the face
a kick in the head
a kick in the teeth
a kick up the arse
a knife in the back
a leap in the dark
a lick with the rough side of the tongue
a line in the sand
a man of the cloth
a man of the world
a man/woman of the people
a meeting of the minds
a night on the tiles
a nip in the air
a one-way ticket to (somewhere or something)
a pain in the ass
a pat on the back
a piece of the action
a piece of the pie
a race against the clock
a race against time
a race against time clock
a rap across the knuckles
a rift in the lute
a roll in the hay
a rough diamond
a shot across the bow
a shot in the arm
a shot in the dark
a shot in the locker
a sign of the times
a skeleton in the/ closet
a skeleton in the/ cupboard
a slap in the face
a slap on the back
a slap on the wrist
a slice of the cake
a slip of the tongue
a snake in the grass
a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
a stab in the back
a stab in the dark
a step in the right direction
a stick-in-the-mud
a sting in the tail
a straw in the wind
a thing of the past
a tip of the hat
a turn of the screw
a turn-up for the book(s)
a voice in the wilderness
a woman's place is in the home
a word to the wise
a word to the wise is enough
a/ place in the sun
above and beyond
above and beyond the call of duty
above suspicion
above the curve
above the fray
above the law
above the salt
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
absent-minded professor
according to (someone/something)
ace in the hole
achieve the impossible
Achilles' heel
acid test
acknowledge (the) receipt of
acknowledge the corn
across the board
across the pond
act the fool
act the goat
add fuel to the fire
add fuel to the flame(s)
add fuel to the flames
After a storm comes a calm
after the dust has settled
after the fact
after the fashion of
after the Lord Mayor's show
after the party is over
after the style of
against the clock
against the collar
against the current
against the grain
against the law
against the odds
against the run of play
against the stream
ahead of the curve
ahead of the game
ahead of the pack
aim for the sky
aim for the stars
Aim for the stars!
ain't got the brains God gave a squirrel
ain't got the sense God gave geese
ain't it the truth
Ain't it the truth?
alert the public
all (the) one
all along the line
all cats are gray in the dark
all for
all for the best
all hands and the cook
all hands on deck
all hands to the pumps
all hours
all hours (of the day and night)
all in a day's work
all of the above
all over but the shouting
all over the board
all over the earth
all over the map
all over the place
all quiet on the Potomac
all quiet on the Western Front
all the
all the best
all the better
all the difference in the world
all the feels
all the livelong day
all the marbles
all the more reason for
all the more reason to
all the rage
all the same
all the tea in China
all the thing
all the time
all the time in the world
all the way
all the way down the line
all the way live
all the way to Egery and back
all the world's a stage
all the worse for wear
all to the good
along for the ride
along the beaten track
along the line
along the lines
along the lines of
along the lines of (something)
along the way
alpha and omega
alternative right
always the bridesmaid, never the bride
amber gambler
ambulance chaser
amount to the same thing
an ace in the hole
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
an old hand
an own goal
an/(one's) ivory tower
an/the olive branch
and hang the cost
and the like
another county heard from
another lie nailed to the counter
another nail in the coffin
answer the bell
answer the call
answer the call of nature
answer the door
answer to the description (of)
answer to the description of
answer to the name
answer to the name (of)
ants in (the/one's) pants
any day
anything of the kind
appear before
appear under the name (of)
appear under the name of
apple a day
apple does not fall far from the tree
apple never falls far from the tree
apple polisher
apron strings
argue the point
argue the toss
arguing for the sake of arguing
arm to the teeth
armed to the teeth
around the bend
around the block
around the clock
around the corner
around the horn
arrive (somewhere) (up)on the stroke of
arrive (up)on the scene
arrive on the scene
arrive on the stroke of some time
artificial language
as far as anyone knows
as far as is concerned
as far as the eye can see
as if (one) owns the place
as if own the place
as if the sun shines out (someone's) backside
as old as the hills
as the actress said to the bishop
As the actress said to the bishop...
as the actress said to the pope
as the crow flies
as the day is long
as the next girl
as the next guy
as the spirit moves
as the spirit moves (one)
as the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined
as the white on rice
as the wind blows
ask for the moon
asking price
asleep at the switch
asleep at the wheel
ass is on the line
assault the ear
assume the mantle
assume the position
at all hours (of the day and night)
at best
at least
at most
at present
at the
at the (very) outside
at the appointed time
at the back of (one's) mind
at the back of beyond
at the back of mind
at the best of times
at the bottom of the food chain
at the bottom of the heap
at the bottom of the hour
at the bottom of the ladder
at the chalkface
at the coalface
at the crack of dawn
at the crossroads
at the cutting edge
at the dot
at the double
at the drop of a hat
at the eleventh hour
at the end of (one's) fingertips
at the end of (one's) tether
at the end of nowhere
at the end of rope
at the end of the day
at the end of the line
at the expense of
at the feet of
at the forefront
at the hand of
at the hands of
at the height of
at the helm
at the high port
at the instance of
at the last gasp
at the last minute
at the latest
at the least
at the mercy of
at the moment
at the most
at the outset
at the outside
at the point of
at the present time
at the ready
at the rear of
at the receiving end
at the same time
at the summit of (one's) success
at the top of (one's) game
at the top of (one's) lungs
at the top of (one's) voice
at the top of (the/one's) agenda
at the top of game
at the top of lungs
at the top of one's lungs
at the top of the food chain
at the top of the hour
at the top of the ladder
at the top of the/ agenda
at the top of voice
at the very least
at the very worst
at the wheel
at the worst
at the zenith of
at this stage
at this stage (of the game)
at this stage of the game
at worst
attack is the best form of defense
avenue of escape
avoid (someone or something) like the plague
avoid like the plague
away with the fairies
babe in arms
babe in the woods
back in the day
back in the game
back in the saddle
back in(to) (the) harness
back of
back of (the) beyond
back of one's hand
back of the beyond
back of the black stump
back order
back the wrong horse
back to the drawing board
back to the salt mines
back to the wall
back up
back-of-the-envelope calculation
bad hair day
bad to the bone
bait and switch
bake the tube steak
balance the accounts
balance the books
balance wheel
balk at the idea (of something)
ball of fire
ball the jack
balling the jack
balloon goes up, the
ballpark figure
ball's in your court, the
balls of (the/one's) feet
balls to the wall
bang for (one's/the) buck
bang for the
bang for the buck
bang in the arm
bang the drum
bank account
baptism of fire
bark at the moon
bark up the wrong tree
barking up the wrong tree
barmy on the crumpet
bash the bishop
bat for the other side
bat for the other team
bat the breeze
batten down the hatches
battle of the bulge
be (a bit) on the expensive side
be (a bit) on the heavy side
be (a bit) on the large side
be (a/the) model of
be (as) old as the hills
be (as) pure as the driven snow
be (as) silent as the grave
be (not) out of the woods
be (one's) for the asking
be (one's) for the taking
be (one's/the) main squeeze
be (out) on the piss
be (out) on the razzle
be (right) on the money
be (sitting) in the catbird seat
be (sitting) on top of the world
be (strictly) for the birds
be (the) bomb
be (the) devil's advocate
be [glad etc.] to see the back of
be a (something) in the making
be a [athlete etc.] in the making
be a [crisis etc.] in the making
be a figment of (one's/the) imagination
be a figment of imagination
be a model of
be a pain in the arse
be a pain in the neck
be a sign of the times
be a thing of the past
be ahead of the game
be ahead of the pack
be all (the) one (to someone)
be all in (one's/the) mind
be all in the/ mind
be all over the shop
be all the rage
be along the lines of (something)
be armed to the teeth
be as honest as the day
be as honest as the day is long
be as old as the hills
be as plain as the nose on (one's) face
be as plain as the nose on your face
be as pure as the driven snow
be as silent as the grave
be asleep at the switch
be asleep at the wheel
be at peace with the world
be at the bottom of
be at the bottom of (something)
be at the end of (one's) rope
be at the end of tether
be at the helm
Common Names:
Anan (1)
Western African, Akan
English (Rare)
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