thresh out

thresh out

1. To beat the stems and husks of some grain or cereal plant with a machine or flail to separate the grains or seeds from the straw: I threshed out the ears of corn. We threshed the stalks out and collected the seeds.
2. To separate some grains or seeds by beating the stems and husks with a machine or flail: The farmers threshed out the grain. We might have broken some of the kernels when we threshed them out.
3. To discuss or examine something fully: We can thresh out our differences in a civil manner. The two of you will have to thresh this problem out between yourselves. This issue will be threshed out in court.
4. To formulate or develop something through intense debate: We held a meeting to thresh out a plan. The committee is still threshing the details out.
See also: out

Common Names:

Tirtzah-Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Pranav-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati
Mohini-Hinduism, Indian, Hindi, Marathi