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(boy,) am I glad to see you!
(from) hand to mouth
(Go) tell it/that to Sweeney!
(in) up to (one's) elbows
(in) up to (one's) eye(ball)s
(not) half the person/man/woman (one) used to be
(one) would do well to (do something)
(someone) (just) doesn't know when to quit
(someone) could sell an icebox to an Eskimo
(someone) could sell ice to Eskimos
(someone) could sell sawdust to a lumber mill
a (sudden) rush of blood (to the head)
a bite to eat
a bitter pill
a bone to pick
a bone to pick with
a cross to bear
a crow to pluck
a Daniel come to judgement
a force to be reckoned with
a good voice to beg bacon
a hard egg to crack
a hard nut to crack
a hard pill to swallow
a hard row to hoe
a heart-to-heart
a hostage to fortune
a joy to behold
a leg to stand on
a licence to print money
a little off Go to a bit
a long row to hoe
A man's got to do what a man's got to do
a means to an end
a mind is a terrible thing to waste
a mountain to climb
a mouth to feed
a mystery to
a mystery to (one)
a name to conjure with
a one-way ticket to
a one-way ticket to (somewhere or something)
a part to play
a place to call own
a red flag to a bull
a red rag to a bull
a score to settle
a shoulder to cry on
a sight to behold
a sop to Cerberus
a stick to beat with
a tough act to follow
a tough nut
a tough nut to crack
a tough pill to swallow
a tough row to hoe
a word to the wise
a word to the wise is enough
abandon (oneself) to
abandon oneself to
abandon to
abbreviate (something) to
abbreviate to
able to breathe again
able to cut
able to cut it
able to cut something
able to do
able to do (something) standing on (one's) head
able to do blindfolded
able to do it
able to do with eyes closed
able to fog a mirror
able to get a word in edgewise
able to make (something)
able to make an event
able to take a joke
able to take just so much
able to take only so much
about to
about to (do something)
about to do
absorb (something/someone) in(to)
accede to
accede to pressure
access to
acclimate (someone/something) to
acclimate to
accommodate (oneself) to
accommodate oneself to
according to
according to (one's) own lights
according to (someone/something)
according to all accounts
according to Cocker
according to Gunter
according to Hoyle
according to own lights
accredit (something) to (someone)
accredit to
accrue to
accustom (one) to
accustom to
accustomed to
acknowledge (one) to be right
acknowledge to be right
acquiesce to
adapt (something) to
adapt to
add fuel to the fire
add fuel to the flame(s)
add fuel to the flames
add insult to injury
add to
add up to
addict (one) to
addict to
address (oneself) to
address (something) to
address comments or remarks to
address oneself to
address to
adhere to
adjourn to
adjust (oneself/something) to
adjust to
administer (something) to
administer to
admire to
admire to do
admit (one) to
admit to
advance (something) to
advance to
affix (one's) signature to
affix (something) to
affix signature to
affix to
agree to
agree to disagree
Aim for the stars!
aim to
aim to do
ain't fittin' to roll with a pig
alive to
alive to (something)
all dressed up and nowhere to go
all good things come to an end
all good things must (come to an) end
all hands on deck
all hands to the pumps
all is fish that comes to his net
all it's cracked up to be
all out
all over creation
All roads lead to Rome
all set to go
all the more reason for
all the more reason to
all the way to Egery and back
all things come to those who wait
all things to all men
all things to all people
all things to all people, be
all to smash
all to the good
allocate (something) to
allocate to
allot (something) to
allot to
allow (someone or something) in(to)
allow nature to take its course
allude to
ally (oneself) to
ally oneself to
Am I glad to see you!
Ambassador of Morocco
amen to that
amount to
amount to a hill of beans
amount to much
amount to nothing
amount to the same thing
an accident waiting to happen
and (something) to spare
and to spare
annex (something) to
annex to
announce (something) to
announce to
another lie nailed to the counter
another string to (one's) bow
another string to bow
answer to
answer to the description (of)
answer to the description of
answer to the name
answer to the name (of)
appeal to
appear to
append (something) (on)to
append to
appertain to
apples to oranges
apply oneself to
apply to
appoint (one) to
appoint to
apprentice (one) to
apprentice to
arm to the teeth
armed to the teeth
as a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly
as a duck takes to water
as far as anyone knows
as far as is concerned
as for
as opposed to
as the actress said to the bishop
As the actress said to the bishop...
as the actress said to the pope
as to
as to be
ascribe to
ask (one) in(to)
ask for
aspire to
assent to
assign (something) to
assign to
at pains to
attach oneself to
attach to
attached to
attend to
attest to
attract to
attribute to
attune to
average out (to)
average out to
awake to
award to
ax to grind
axe to grind
back in(to) (the) harness
back in(to) circulation
back to back
back to basics
back to earth
back to square one
back to the drawing board
back to the salt mines
back to the wall
back up to
bad to the bone
badger to death
balls to the wall
bang dead to rights
bang to rights
bare (something) to (someone)
bare to
barge in(to)
bark out at
barrel in(to)
be (of) no use to man or beast
be [glad etc.] to see the back of
be a (something) to (one's) fingertips
be a credit to
be a force to be reckoned with
be a hard act to follow
be a licence to print money
be a license to print money
be a slave to (something)
be all (the) one (to someone)
be all dressed up and nowhere to go
be all it's cracked up to be
be all things to all men
be an [artist.] to fingertips
be armed to the teeth
be below par
be blasted to smithereens
be blind to
be blown to smithereens
be bored to death
be brought to account
be burnt to a crisp
be chilled to the bone
be chilled to the marrow
be close to home
be close to the bone
be close to the mark
be cocksure of (oneself)
be cooked to a turn
be cut to the bone
be dead to the world
be done to a turn
be done to death
be doped to the gills
be down to (do something)
be down to (someone)
be down to (something)
be dressed (up) to the nines
be dressed to kill
be dressed up to the nines
be fed up to the back teeth
be fit to be tied
be gathered to (one's) fathers
be glad to see the back of (someone)
be had
be half the (something) (one) used to be
be half the [dancer etc.] used to be
Be happy to
be here to stay
be honor-bound to do (something)
be just the same (to someone)
be kicked to the curb
be knee-high to a grasshopper
be laid to rest
be laughing all the way to the bank
be left to (one's) own devices
be left to (one's) own resources
be like a red flag to a bull
be like a red rag to a bull
be like talking to a brick wall
be meat and drink to
be meat and drink to (someone)
be much to look at
be music to (one's) ears
be music to ears
be near to impossible
be new to the game
be no good to man or beast
be not much to look at
be not what it's cracked up to be
be nothing (much) to write home about
be nothing much to write home about
be nothing to shout about
be off to a false start
be on a hiding to nothing
be on to
be on to (someone)
be on to (something)
be on to a good thing
be one flesh
be open to (something)
be open to [abuse etc.]
be out to lunch
be pipped at the post
be pipped to the post
be pissing in(to) the wind
be put to rights
be put to the sword
be raring to go
be ready to roll
be ripped to shreds
be rotten to the core
be scattered to the four winds
be second to none
be set to rights
be shot to hell
be sick and tired of
be sick to death of (something)
be sleeping with the fishes
be sloshed to the gills
be smashed to smithereens
be so bold as to do
be soaked to the bone
be soaked to the skin
be stuffed to the gills
be swimming with the fishes
be taken to task (by someone)
be taken to the cleaners (by someone)
be the way to go
be three sheets to the wind
be thrilled to bits
be thrilled to death
be thrilled to pieces
be tickled pink death
be tied to mother's apron strings
be tired to death of (something)
be too good to be true
be too hot to handle
be up to
be up to ears in
be up to much
be up to neck in
be up to ninety
be up to no good
be up to scratch
be up to the mark
be wide open to (something)
be wise to
be wise to (someone or something)
bear a resemblance to
bear testimony to
bear witness to
beat (someone) to the draw
beat (something) to death
beat a path to door
beat a path to someone's door
beat down to size
beat one’s brains out to do something
beat to
beat to a pulp
beat to it
beat to the punch
beat to within an inch of life
beckon to
beef to (the) heel
beef to (the) heel like a Mullingar heifer
beef to the hoof
been to hell and back
been to the rodeo
been to the wars
beg to differ
begin to see daylight
begin to see the light
beholden to (someone)
behoove one to do
belly up to something
belly up to the bar
belong to
bequeath to
bet a huckleberry to a persimmon
bet dollars to doughnuts
bet someone dollars to doughnuts
betroth to
better fish to fry
better get used to it
better things to do
bid adieu to
bigger fish to fry
bitter end
bitter pill to swallow
blast to kingdom come
blast to smithereens
bleed to death
blind spot
blind to
blow someone to
blow someone to something
blow to
blow to bits
blow to kingdom come
blow to smithereens
boil (something) down to (something)
boil down
boil down to
bone to pick
bone to pick, have a
boogie down to somewhere
bore (someone) to tears
bore stiff
bore to death
bored silly
bored to tears
born in the purple
born to
born to be
born to the purple
Bottoms up!
bound and determined to
bound to do
bound to, be
bow down to (someone)
bow to
bow to demands
bow to the porcelain altar
break balls to do something
break one’s balls to do something
break to
break to pieces
bring (one) to the test
bring (one's) arse to an anchor
bring (one's) ass to an anchor
bring (someone) to task
bring (someone) to terms
bring a dog to heel
bring a knife to a gunfight
bring a lump to throat
bring about
bring around
bring back to life
bring back to reality
bring down to
bring down to earth
bring home to
bring one to oneself
bring over to
bring owls to Athens
bring sand to the beach
bring to
bring to a boil
bring to a close
bring to a dead end
bring to a halt
Common Names:
, JAY-dən
Shiva (2)
Late Roman
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