
buried treasure

1. Literally, treasure (such as gold, jewels, or other valuable items) that has been buried under sand or lays hidden in the ocean. Every kid dreams of finding buried treasure at the beach.
2. Anything that has lain dormant or undiscovered for a long period of time that, upon discovery, is found to be of great value. The writer, who was unknown in his lifetime, became hugely popular after the buried treasure of his unpublished manuscript was discovered among his belongings.
See also: bury, treasure

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Prov. Something that one person considers worthless may be considered valuable by someone else. Q: Why would anyone want to hang a picture like that on the wall? A: One man's trash is another man's treasure. A: Bob's uncle is always going through people's garbage, looking for old stuff. B: One man's trash is another man's treasure.
See also: another, one, trash, treasure

Common Names:

Kamilla-Hungarian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Beatricebe-ah-TREE-che (Italian), BEE-ə-tris (English), BEE-tris (English), BE-ah-trees (Swedish), be-ah-TREES (Swedish)Italian, English, Swedish
'Ira'-Biblical Hebrew
Paisley-English (Modern)