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(in) up to (one's) elbows
(in) up to (one's) eye(ball)s
(one's) back is up
(one's) blood is up
(one's) jig is up
a bad penny always turns up
a balls-up
a bang up job
a hang-up
a kick up the arse
a leg up
a pick-me-up
a piss-up
a put-up job
a riddle wrapped in an enigma
a shiver ran up (one's/someone's) spine
a shiver went up (one's/someone's) spine
a toss-up
a turn-up for the book(s)
a wake-up call
abut (up) against
ace up (one's) sleeve
act (up)on
act up
add up
add up to
advance (up)on
agree (up)on
ahead of time
alight (up)on
alkied up
all dressed up and nowhere to go
all it's cracked up to be
all sharped up
all shook up
all spruced up
all the marbles
all tore up
all up
all wound up
allow (one) up
allow up
amount to the same thing
ante up
arm up
arrive (somewhere) (up)on the stroke of
arrive (up)on the scene
ask up
ate up with someone/something
average up
baby up
back up
back up to
backed up
bad penny always turns up
bail up
bake up
bake up a storm
bale up
ball someone/something up
ball up
balled up
balloon goes up, the
balls up
bandage up
bang up
banged up
bang-up cove
bank up
bar up
barf up
bark up the wrong tree
barking up the wrong tree
barreled up
base (up)on
bash up
batter up
be a fully paid-up member of
be all dressed up and nowhere to go
be all it's cracked up to be
be barking up the wrong tree
be below par
be dead from the neck up
be dressed (up) to the nines
be dressed up to the nines
be fed up to the back teeth
be had up (for something)
be hard up
be laughing up sleeve
be not what it's cracked up to be
be on the up
be on the up and up
be one up on
be pushing up daisies
be shacked up with (someone)
be tanked up
be tied (up) in knots
be toes up
be up
be up a gum tree
be up against
be up against a brick wall
be up against it
be up alley
be up and about
be up and down
be up and running
be up arse
be up for
be up in arms
be up in the air
be up street
be up the creek
be up the duff
be up the pole
be up the spout
be up the stick
be up there with
be up to
be up to ears in
be up to much
be up to neck in
be up to ninety
be up to no good
be up to scratch
be up to the mark
be up with the chickens
be up with the crows
be up with the lark
be well up on
bead up
Beam me up, Scotty!
beam up
beaned up
bear up
beat oneself up
beat out
beat up
beat up on
beef something up
beef up
beer up
belch up
belly up
belly up to something
belly up to the bar
belt up
bid up
big up
bind up
bitch something up
bitch up
blaze up
block up
blood is up
blow (something) up out of proportion
blow up
blow up (one's) phone
blow up a storm
blow up in (one's) face
blow up in face
blowing up
blown up
board up
bob up
boil up
bollix up
bollixed up
bolster up
bone up
book up
boost up
boot up
booze it up
booze up
botch up
bottle up
Bottoms up
Bottoms up!
bounce up and down
bound up in
bound up with
bowl up
box up
boxed up
brace up
brave face, put on a
break it up
Break it up!
break someone up
break up
break up with
breed up a storm
brew up
brick up
brighten up
brighten up (the) day
bring something up
bring up
bring up for
bring up on
bring up sharply
bring up short
bring up the rear
bring up to
bring up to date
bring up with a start
bring up-to-date
brush up
bubble up
buck up
buckle up
buddy up
buddy up to someone
buddy up with someone
buff up
build up
build up a head of steam
build up to
bulk up
bump up
bunch up
bundle up
bung up
bunged up
bungle up
bunk up
buoy up
burn someone up
burn up
burn up the road
burned up
bury the hatchet
bust someone up
bust something up
bust up
butter up
button up
buttress up
buy up
cage up
call up
camp it up
card up one's sleeve
card up sleeve
carve up
cash up
cast up
cast up (one's) accounts
catch napping
catch up
catch up in
catch up on
catch up to (something or someone)
catch up with
catch up with (someone)
caught up in
chain up
chalk (something) up to experience
chalk it up
chalk up
chalk up to
change up
change up with the times
change with the times
charge up
charge up to
charged up
chase up
chat (someone) up
chat up
check on
check up
check up on
cheer up
chew up
chew up the scenery
Chin up!
chink up (something)
chip up (something)
chirk up
choke up
choose up
chop up
chuck up
chum up
chum up to
chum up with
churn up
cinch up
clam up
clamber up
clean act up
clean one’s act up
clean the floor up with
clean up
clean up act
clean up on something
clear up
climb up
clock up
clog up
close up
close up shop
cloud over
cloud up
clue in
clutch up
clutter up
cobble up
coil up
coil up into
collect up
come from behind
come out smelling of roses
come up
come up a storm
come up against
come up for
come up for air
come up heads
come up in the world
come up roses
come up smelling like a rose
come up through the ranks
come up to
come up to expectations
come up to standards
come up trumps
come up with
coming up a cloud
confuse with
conjure up
connect up
cook up
cooked up
coop up
cork up
corked up
corkscrewed up
cotton up
cotton up to
Cough it up!
cough something up
cough up
couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery
count up
count up to
couple up
cover for
cover up
cowboy up
cozy up
cozy up to someone
crack someone up
crack up
cracked up
cracked up to be
cramp up
crank something up
crank up
crap up
crap up (something)
crease up
creep up
creep up on
crinkle up
crock someone/something up
crock up
crop up
cross someone up
cross up
cross up someone
crum something up
crum up
crumb something up
crumble up
crumple up
crunch up
crush up
cry up
cuddle up
cuddle up with a book
cue up
curl up
curl up and die
curl up with
cut the pie up
cut up
cut up about someone/something
cut up rough
dam up
dance attendance (up)on (someone)
dance up a storm
dander up
dead from the neck up
death warmed up
deliver the goods
deliver up to
dent up
dial up
dig some dirt up
dig the dirt
dig up
dig up dirt
dig up tomahawk
Dig up!
dim up
dirty up
divvy something up
divvy up
do it up brown
do up
do up brown
doctor up
doll up
dolled up
done up like a dog's dinner
don't get up
Don't give up the day job!
don't give up the ship
don't give up your day job
doors open up
dope out
dope up
double over
double up
draft up
drag up
draw (one)self up
draw up
dream up
dredge up
dress up
dressed up
drink up
Drink up!
drive a price up
drive someone crazy
drive someone up the wall
drive up
drive up the wall
drop up
drum up
dry up
Dry up!
dude oneself up
dude up
duded up
dummy up
ease off
ease up
ease up (on someone or something)
eat it up
eat out
eat something up
eat up
eat up with
Eat up!
end up
end up at
end up doing
end up in the knacker's yard
end up to become
end up with
enlarge (up)on (something)
even up
Everything's coming up roses
eye (someone) up
eye up
eye up (something)
face down
face up
face up to
fade up
fare up
fasten up
fatten up
fed to the gills
fed up
feel someone up
feel up
feel up to
fess up
fetch up
fetch up at
figure up
fill up
filter up
finish up
fire someone up
fire something up
fire up
Common Names:
English, Biblical
English (Modern)
Biblical Hebrew
Indian, Hindi
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