中文 – 简体
(as) mad as a wet hen
(as) mad as hops
(one's) nerves are shot
(someone's) hands are full
are your ears burning?
as if that were not enough
as if there was/were no tomorrow
as it were
be (a bit) on the expensive side
be (a bit) on the heavy side
be (a bit) on the large side
be (all) of a piece
be (all) part of life's rich pageant
be (all) part of life's rich tapestry
be (as) blind as a bat
be (as) busy as a bee
be (as) clean as a whistle
be (as) cold as ice
be (as) dead as a doornail
be (as) easy as one-two-three
be (as) easy as rolling off (of) a log
be (as) flat as a pancake
be (as) fresh as a daisy
be (as) hard as nails
be (as) mad as a hatter
be (as) nutty as a fruitcake
be (as) old as the hills
be (as) pleased as punch
be (as) pure as the driven snow
be (as) quiet as a mouse
be (as) right as rain
be (as) sick as a dog
be (as) silent as the grave
be (as) snug as a bug in a rug
be (as) sober as a judge
be (as) solid as a rock
be (as) sound as a dollar
be (as) stiff as a board
be (as) strong as an ox
be (as) stubborn as a mule
be (as) thick as a brick
be (as) thick as a shit
be (as) thick as a short plank
be (as) thick as thieves
be (as) thin as a rail
be (as) tough as old boots
be (as) ugly as sin
be (as) white as snow
be (batting) on a losing wicket
be (down) on (one's) uppers
be (living) on another planet
be (not) backward in coming forward
be (not) big on (something)
be (not) comme il faut
be (not) on speaking terms
be (not) out of the woods
be (of) no use to man or beast
be (one's) last resort
be (out) on the piss
be (out) on the razzle
be (really) something
be (right) on the money
be (sitting) in the catbird seat
be (sitting) on top of the world
be (someone's) huckleberry
be (strictly) for the birds
be (stuck) in a rut
be (the) bomb
be (walking) on thin ice
be a barrel of laughs
be a bundle of laughs
be a bundle of nerves
be a card-carrying member (of something)
be a chapter of accidents
be a closed book
be a cut above
be a different kettle of fish
be a howling success
be a huckleberry above a persimmon
be a license to print money
be a loud mouth
be a roaring success
be a rough trot
be a sight for sore eyes
be a slave to (something)
be a whole other kettle of fish
be all eyes
be all fingers and thumbs
be all heart
be all mouth
be all smiles
be all sweetness and light
be all talk (and no action)
be all the rage
be all things to all men
be all very well
be all wet
be along the lines of (something)
be an apology for
be an easy touch
be an open book
be another of life's great mysteries
be anybody's guess
be armed to the teeth
be around
be as (something) as they come
be as American as apple pie
be as bald as a coot
be as bright as a button
be as brown as a berry
be as clear as crystal
be as clear as day
be as clear as mud
be as cute as a button
be as daft as a brush
be as dead as a dodo
be as deaf as a post
be as dry as a bone
be as dull as dishwater
be as fit as a fiddle
be as full as a boot
be as gentle as a lamb
be as good as gold
be as good as gone
be as good as new
be as happy as a sandboy
be as happy as Larry
be as high as a kite
be as honest as the day is long
be as keen as mustard
be as light as a feather
be as mad as a hornet
be as mad as a March hare
be as nice as pie
be as old as Methuselah
be as poor as church mice
be as regular as clockwork
be as safe as houses
be as scarce as hen's teeth
be as sharp as a tack
be as slippery as an eel
be as sound as a bell
be as stiff as a ramrod
be as straight as a die
be as white as a sheet
be as/like oil and water
be asleep at the wheel
be at a crossroads
be at a loose end
be at a loss
be at daggers drawn
be at death's door
be at each other's throats
be at half-mast
be at home
be at it hammer and tongs
be at loggerheads
be at odds (with)
be at pains
be at peace with the world
be at sea
be at sixes and sevens
be at the bottom of (something)
be at the end of (one's) rope
be at the mercy of (something)
be at the wheel
be au fait with
be away with the fairies
be back in harness
be back on the rails
be bad news
be bang on
be barking mad
be beat
be behind the eight ball
be behind the times
be below the belt
be beside (oneself)
be beside the point
be beyond the pale
be bitter and twisted
be blasted to smithereens
be blown to smithereens
be bone dry
be bone idle
be bored to death
be bound and determined
be brain dead
be bright and breezy
be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
be broad in the beam
be brought down a notch (or two)
be brought down a peg (or two)
be brought in from the cold
be brought to account
be built like a brick shithouse
be built on sand
be bulging at the seams
be burnt to a crisp
be carried out feet first
be carved in stone
be cast in cement
be cast in concrete
be cast in the same mould
be caught in a time warp
be caught in the crossfire
be caught in the middle
be caught off (one's) guard
be caught short
be caught with (one's) pants down
be center stage
be chalk and cheese
be child's play
be cleaned out
be close to home
be close to the bone
be close to the mark
be cold comfort
be compos mentis
be cooked
be cooking on gas
be dead and buried
be dead from the neck up
be dead from the waist down
be dead in the water
be dead meat
be dead to the world
be done in
be done like a (dog's) dinner
be done to a turn
be done to death
be doped to the gills
be down in the dumps
be down in the mouth
be dragged kicking and screaming
be dressed (up) to the nines
be dressed to kill
be duck soup
be duty bound
be easy meat
be easy on the ear
be easy on the eye(s)
be economical with the truth
be even (with someone)
be every inch (something)
be fair game
be far and away
be fed up to the back teeth
be few and far between
be fighting fit
be fighting mad
be first among equals
be first past the post
be fit to be tied
be flat broke
be floating on air
be flying high
be footloose and fancy-free
be for the best
be for the high jump
be fresh from
be fresh out of
be full of beans
be full of crap
be full of holes
be full of the joys of spring
be game
be given no quarter
be going great guns
be going spare
be gone on
be green with envy
be gunning for
be had
be had up (for something)
be half the battle (won)
be half-cut
be half-dead
be hard put
be hard up
be hard-pressed
be head over heels (in love)
be heavy going
be held in high esteem
be held in high regard
be hell on wheels
be hell-bent on
be higher than a kite
be hit for six
be home and hosed
be home free
be honor-bound to do (something)
be hopping mad
be hot and cold
be hot off the press
be hounded (by someone or something)
be hunky-dory
be ill at ease
be in (a bit of) a jam
be in (one's) dotage
be in a (blue) funk
be in a bad way
be in a dream world
be in a fix
be in a groove
be in a hole
be in a lather
be in a pickle
be in a sorry state
be in a spin
be in a stew
be in a sticky situation
be in a tight spot
be in a tough spot
be in a transport of delight
be in aid of
be in another world
be in apple-pie order
be in bad odor with
be in bad with (someone)
be in bed with
be in business
be in cahoots
be in clover
be in deep shit
be in deep water
be in dire straits
be in eclipse
be in fighting trim
be in fine fettle
be in for a shock
be in for a surprise
be in for a treat
be in full cry
be in full flow
be in full swing
be in good company
be in hand
be in hot water
be in line
be in line for
be in luck
be in mint condition
be in pole position
be in Queer Street
be in safe hands
be in seventh heaven
be in the air
be in the balance
be in the black
be in the chips
be in the clear
be in the club
be in the dark
be in the doghouse
be in the doldrums
be in the driving seat
be in the eye of the storm
be in the firing line
be in the first flush of
be in the frame
be in the front line
be in the grip of
be in the groove
be in the hole
be in the know
be in the Land of Nod
be in the land of the living
be in the lap of the gods
be in the limelight
be in the loop
be in the market for
be in the money
be in the pink
be in the pipeline
be in the pocket
be in the public eye
be in the pudding club
be in the red
be in the right place at the right time
be in the right spot at the right time
be in the saddle
be in the same ballpark
be in the same boat
be in the short strokes
be in the soup
be in the spotlight
be in the swim (of things)
be in the thick of it
be in the thick of things
be in the throes of
be in the wind
be in the wrong
be in too deep
be in touch
be in two minds
be in with (someone)
be in with a chance
be in your face
be joined at the hip
be jolly hockey sticks
be just a pretty face
be just another pretty face
be just the job
be just what the doctor ordered
be keen about
be keen on
be kept in the dark (about something)
be kept on a short leash
be kept on a tight leash
be kicked to the curb
be kicked upstairs
be knee-deep in
be knee-high to a grasshopper
be knocked down a notch (or two)
be knocked down a peg (or two)
be knocked out cold
be knocked out of the box
be knocking on heaven's door
be laid to rest
be larger than life
be left (out) in the cold
be left hanging (in the air/in midair)
be left holding the bag
be left in the dark (about something)
be left in the lurch
be level pegging
be light years away
be light years away from
be light-headed
be like a bear with a sore head
be like a bull in a china shop
be like a cat on a hot tin roof
be like a child in a sweetshop
be like a deer caught in the headlights
be like a dog with a bone
be like a dog with two tails
be like a fish out of water
be like a kid in a candy store
be like a spare prick at a wedding
be like Fort Knox
be like looking for a needle in a haystack
be like oil and water
be like painting the Forth Bridge
be like rearranging (the) deckchairs on the Titanic
be like ships in the night
be like taking candy from a baby
be like talking to a brick wall
be like two peas in a pod
be like watching grass grow
be like watching paint dry
be locked in a time warp
be long in the tooth
be looking for trouble
be losing it
be lost for words
be lost in translation
be lost on (someone)
be made for
be made of sterner stuff
be man enough
be meat and drink to (someone)
be miles away
be money for jam
be more Catholic than the Pope (himself)
be more fun than a barrel of monkeys
be much of a muchness
be near to impossible
be neither fish nor fowl
be neither one thing nor the other
be new to the game
be nip and tuck
be no ball of fire
be no bed of roses
be no fool
be no great shakes
be no joke
be no laughing matter
be no match for
be no oil painting
be no picnic
be no screaming hell
be no slouch
be no spring chicken
be none the wiser
be not a bed of roses
be not for the faint-hearted
be not half bad
be not in Kansas anymore
be not long for this world
be not much cop
be not much to look at
be nothing (much) to write home about
be nothing short of (something)
be nothing to shout about
be of like mind
be of no account
be of sound mind
be of two minds
be of unsound mind
Common Names:
Sanya (2)
Irish, Scottish
English (Modern)
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