中文 – 简体
(into something)
to coil something up into a ball or similar shape.
Tony wound all the string up into a ball. Wind up the string into a ball. Please wind this into a ball.
a capful of wind
a straw in the wind
as the wind blows
bag of wind
be in the wind
be pissing in(to) the wind
be scattered to the four winds
be spitting in the wind
be three sheets to the wind
beat the air
before the wind
bend in the wind
bend with the wind
between wind and water
both sheets in the wind
break wind
candle in the wind
cast stones against the wind
close to the wind
end up
end up doing
eye of the wind
four sheets in the wind
four sheets to the wind
get a second wind
get a/ second wind
get the wind up
get wind of
go like the wind
gone with the wind
have the wind up
Hoist your sail when the wind is fair
how the wind blows
how the wind lies
ill wind that blows no one any good, it's an
in the eye of the wind
in the wind
It's an ill wind
it's an ill wind that blows no good
it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good
It's an ill wind that blows nobody good
knock the wind out of sails
know which way the wind blows
leave to twist in the wind
like greased lightning
like the wind
near the wind
off the wind
one's second wind
out of breath
piss in the wind
put the wind up (someone)
reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall
run like the wind
sail against the wind
sail before the wind
sail close to the wind
second wind
see how the wind blows
see how the wind is blowing
see which way the wind blows
see which way the wind is blowing
something in the wind
sow the wind and reap the whirlwind
spit in(to) the wind
straw in the wind
sure as the wind blows
swift as an arrow
take the wind out of one's sails
take the wind out of sails
take the wind out of someone’s sails
the way the wind blows
the way the wind is blowing
three sheets in the wind
three sheets to the wind
throw caution to the wind
throw caution to the winds
throw discretion to the wind(s)
throw straws against the wind
to the four winds
twist around little finger
twist around one's finger
twist in the wind
twist slowly in the wind
two sheets to the wind
under the wind
up the wind
way the wind blows, which
which way the wind blows
which way the wind is blowing
which way the wind lies
whistle (one) down the wind
wind (someone) around (one's) (little) finger
wind (someone) round (one's) (little) finger
wind around
wind at (one's) back
wind back
wind back the clock
wind down
wind in
wind into
wind off
wind onto
wind through
wind up
wind up in
wind up with
Common Names:
Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam
Greek, Serbian, Croatian
Ancient Roman
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