中文 – 简体
(a/one's) place in the sun
(as) black as (one's) hat
(in) up to (one's) elbows
(in) up to (one's) eye(ball)s
(one) can hardly believe his or her eyes
(one) can scarcely believe his or her eyes
(one) does not wash (one's) dirty linen in public
(one's) (true) stripes
(one's) applecart
(one's) ass is on the line
(one's) ass off
(one's) autumn years
(one's) back is up
(one's) bag of tricks
(one's) bark is worse than (one's) bite
(one's) blood is up
(one's) blood runs cold
(one's) cake is dough
(one's) conscience is clean
(one's) conscience is clear
(one's) ears are burning
(one's) final resting place
(one's) finest hour
(one's) heart of hearts
(one's) heart's desire
(one's) jig is up
(one's) little finger told (one) that
(one's) lucky day
(one's) marching orders
(one's) marching papers
(one's) moment in the sun
(one's) nerves are shot
(one's) old stomping ground
(one's) other half
(one's) own flesh and blood
(one's) true colours
(one's) tuppence (worth)
(one's) two pennies (worth)
(one's) two penn'orth
(one's) twopence (worth)
(one's) Venus turns out a whelp
(one's) way out of a paper bag
(someone's) door is always open
(someone's) hands are full
(someone's) native soil
(someone's) take on (something)
(the/an/one's) artistic style
a bit beyond (one's) ken
a bit of how's your father
a blot on (one's) escutcheon
a change in (one's) stripes
a chip on (one's) shoulder
a dose of (one's) own medicine
a feather in your cap
a flea in (one's) ear
a frog in (one's) throat
a legend in (one's) own lifetime
a legend in (one's) own lunchtime
a legend in (one's) own mind
a legend in (one's) own time
a lot on (one's) plate
a man of his word
a monkey on (one's) back
a notch in (someone's) bedpost
a notch in (someone's) belt
a notch on (someone's) bedpost
a notch on (someone's) belt
a penny for your thoughts
a plague on both your houses
a serpent in (one's) bosom
a shadow of (one's) former self
a shiver down (one's) spine
a shiver ran down (one's/someone's) spine
a shiver ran up (one's/someone's) spine
a shiver went down (one's/someone's) spine
a shiver went up (one's/someone's) spine
a snake in (one's) bosom
a spring in (one's) step
a sword of Damocles hangs over (one's) head
a taste of (one's) own medicine
a woman of her word
able to do (something) standing on (one's) head
about (one's) business
about (one's) ears
about (one's) person
above (one's) bend
above (one's) head
above (one's) huckleberry
above (one's) pay grade
above (one's) paycheck
accommodate (someone's) wishes
according to (one's) own lights
ace up (one's) sleeve
act (one's) age
Act your age!
affix (one's) signature to
afraid of (one's) own shadow
after (one's) own heart
against (one's) better judgment
against (one's) principles
against (one's) will
ahead of (one's/its) time
air (one's) belly
air (one's) dirty laundry in public
air (one's) grievances
air (one's) lungs
air (one's) opinion
air (one's) paunch
air (one's) pores
albatross around (one's) neck
all (one's) eggs in one basket
all (one's) geese are swans
all (one's) life is worth
all (one's) life's worth
all by (one's) lonesome
all in (one's) head
all in (one's) mind
all is fish that comes to his net
all over (one's) face
an/(one's) ivory tower
an/(one's) old flame
And your point is?
another nail in (one's) coffin
another string to (one's) bow
answer (one's) purpose
ants in (the/one's) pants
anything new down your way?
ape (someone's) behavior
are your ears burning?
argue (one's) way out (of)
as far as the eye can see
as good as (one's) word
as if (one's) life depends on it
as much as (one's) life is worth
as you make your bed, so you must lie on it
at (one's) beck and call
at (one's) best
at (one's) convenience
at (one's) doorstep
at (one's) earliest convenience
at (one's) ease
at (one's) elbow
at (one's) expense
at (one's) fingertips
at (one's) heels
at (one's) knee
at (one's) leisure
at (one's) mother's knee
at (one's) own game
at (one's) own peril
at (one's) own risk
at (one's) wit's end
at (someone's) behest
at (someone's) mercy
at (someone's) request
at best
at leisure
at the back of (one's) mind
at the end of (one's) fingertips
at the end of (one's) tether
at the summit of (one's) success
at the top of (one's) game
at the top of (one's) lungs
at the top of (one's) voice
at the top of (the/one's) agenda
at worst
at your service
away from (one's) desk
back of (one's) hand
back on (one's) feet
bad taste in (one's) mouth
Bag it!
Bag your face!
ball's in your court, the
balls of (the/one's) feet
bane of (one's) existence
bang (one's) head against a brick wall
bang (one's) head against a wall
bang for (one's/the) buck
bare (one's) breast
bare (one's) heart
bare (one's) soul
bare (one's) teeth
base (one's) opinion on
bash (someone's) brains in
bat (one's) eyelashes
bat (one's) eyes
bawl (one's) eyes out
be (down) on (one's) uppers
be (flat) on (one's) back
be (not) (one's) bag
be (not) (one's) brother's keeper
be (not) (one's) department
be (one's) last resort
be (one's) own man/woman/person
be (one's) own master
be (one's) own worst enemy
be (one's) pigeon
be (one's/the) main squeeze
be (sitting) on (one's) tail
be (someone's) call
be (someone's) funeral
be (someone's) huckleberry
be (someone's) strong suit
be a (something) to (one's) fingertips
be a figment of (one's/the) imagination
be a huckleberry above (one's) persimmon
be a huckleberry over (one's) persimmon
be a load off (one's) mind
be a thorn in (someone's) side
be a weight off (one's) shoulders
be afraid of (one's) (own) shadow
be after (one's) blood
be all in (one's/the) mind
be as good as (one's) word
be as plain as the nose on (one's) face
be as plain as the nose on your face
be at (one's) beck and call
be at (one's) wit's end
be at the end of (one's) rope
be before (one's) time
be beyond (one's) ken
be caught off (one's) guard
be caught with (one's) pants down
be conspicuous by (one's) absence
be down on (one's) luck
be fighting for (one's/its) life
be gathered to (one's) fathers
be in (one's) altitudes
be in (one's) blood
be in (one's) cups
be in (one's) dotage
be in (one's) element
be in (one's) good books
be in (one's) hands
be in (one's) pocket
be in (someone's) shoes
be in line
be in over (one's) head
be in your face
be left to (one's) own devices
be left to (one's) own resources
be music to (one's) ears
be not (one's) bag
be not (one's) cup of tea
be of (one's) own making
be off (one's) chump
be off (one's) dot
be off (one's) guard
be off (one's) nut
be off (one's) trolley
be on (its/one's) last legs
be on (one's) ass
be on (one's) best behavior
be on (one's) conscience
be on (one's) good behavior
be on (one's) mettle
be on (one's) pat
be on (one's) Pat Malone
be on (one's) shit list
be on (one's) tod
be on guard
be on the tip of (one's) tongue
be out for/after (someone's) scalp
be out of (one's) depth
be out of (one's) element
be out of (one's) face
be out of (one's) hair
be out of (one's) hands
be out of (one's) head
be out of (one's) league
be out of (one's) mind
be out of (one's) shell
be out of (one's) skull
be out of (one's) tree
be out of line
be out of the way
be out on (one's) ear
be out on (one's) feet
be past (the/one's) sell-by date
be put in (one's) place
be rushed off (one's) feet
be swept off (one's) feet
be tall in (one's)/the saddle
be under (someone's) spell
be under (someone's) wing
beat (one's) head against a stone wall
beat (one's) meat
beat (someone) at his or her own game
beat (someone's) brains in
before (one's) time
before (one's) very eyes
beg to differ
beg your pardon, but
behind (one's) back
behind (one's) time
believe (one's) eyes
below (one's) breath
beneath (the/someone's) radar
bet (one's) boots
bet your bottom dollar
beyond (one's) ken
beyond (one's) pay grade
biological clock is ticking
bird in (one's) bosom
bird of (one's) own brain
bite (one's) lip
bite (one's) thumb at
Bite your tongue!
blank look on (one's) face
bless the world with (one's) heels
bless your pointy little head
blot (one's) copy book
blow (one's) chance
blow (one's) cool
blow (one's) load
blow (one's) stack
blow (one's) wad
Blow it out your ear!
blow up (one's) phone
blow up in (one's) face
Bob's your uncle!
bored out of (one's) brains
bored out of (one's) skull
bored out of your mind
born with a caul on (one's) head
born with a silver spoon in (one's) mouth
bottom of (one's) heart
Bottoms up!
break (one's) balls
break (one's) duck
break (one's) fall
break (someone's) serve
break a lance
brick in (one's) hat
brighten up (the) day
bring (one's) arse to an anchor
bring (one's) ass to an anchor
broach (one's) claret
broaden (one's) horizons
bulldoze (one's) way through (something)
Burn not your house to fright the mouse away
burst (one's) bubble
burst (one's/someone's) cherry
bury (one's) head in the sand
bust (one's) ass
bust (one's) balls
bust (one's) butt
bust (one's) chops
bust (one's) hump
bust (one's/someone's) cherry
bust a cap in (someone's) ass
butter (one's) bread on both sides
button (one's) lip
Button your lip!
by (one's) lights
by (one's) own hand
by the scruff of (one's)/its/the neck
by the seat of (one's) pants
by the skin of (one's) teeth
call (one's) own
call (one's) shots
calm your tits
can't punch (one's) way out of a paper bag
can't see farther than the end of (one's) nose
can't see past the end of (one's) nose
carry (one's) weight
carry (someone) off their feet
carry (someone's) water
carry a Chinaman on (one's) back
carry a rope in (one's) pocket
cast (one's) vote
cast in (one's) teeth
cast up (one's) accounts
Cat got your tongue?
catch (someone's) drift
catch (someone's) fancy
caught with (one's) hand in the cookie jar
caught with (one's) pants down
change (one's) stripes
change (someone's) mind
changed your mind?
chase (one's) tail
check your six
choose (one's) battles (wisely)
claw your way back from
clean (someone's) clock
clear (one's) lines
cling on on by your fingertips
close (one's) eyes to (something)
Close your eyes and think of England
clutch (one's)/the pearls
cockles of (one's) heart
collect (one's) thoughts
collect (one's) wits
Come in and sit a spell
come into (one's) own
come out of (one's) shell
come to (someone's) aid
come to (someone's) rescue
comfortable in (one's) own skin
compromise (with) (one's) principles
cool (one's) jets
cool your jets!
Could I take your order?
Could I use your powder room?
couldn't find (one's) way out of a paper bag
count (one's) blessings
count one's chickens before they hatch
courage of (one's) convictions
cover (one's) bases
cover (one's) feet
Cover your ass
cover your ass with paper
cramp (one's) style
crap (one's) pants
crash the gate
crash the party
crawl into (one's) shell
cream (one's) jeans
cream in (one's) jeans
cross (one's) bows
cross (one's) palm
cry in (one's) beer
cry on (one's) shoulder
cry on (someone's) shoulder
cudgel (one's) brains
curdle (one's) blood
curl (one's) hair
curl (one's) lip
curse (someone or something) under (one's) breath
curse (someone) under (one's) breath
cut (one's) comb
cut (one's) eyeteeth
cut (one's) stick
cut (one's) teeth
cut (one's) wisdom teeth
cut (someone's) throat
cut of (one's) jib
cut your peaches
dance to (one's) tune
delighted to make your acquaintance
dig (one's) own grave
dig in (one's) heels
do (one's) bidding
do (one's) block
do (one's) business
do (one's) damnedest
do (one's) darndest
do (one's) darnedest
do (one's) duty
do (one's) homework
do (one's) utmost
do (something) standing on (one's) head
Do not wash your dirty linen in public
Do you eat with that mouth?
Do you kiss your momma with that mouth?
Don’t get your bowels in an uproar!
don't count your chickens before they're hatched
don't cut off your nose to spite your face
Don't get your bowels in an uproar!
Don't give me any of your lip!
don't give up your day job
Don't hold your breath
don't let the door hit your ass on the way out
don't put all your eggs in one basket
don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs
Don't waste your time
Don't worry your head about it
dot (one's) I's and cross (one's) t's
down (one's) alley
down on (one's) uppers
drag (one's) ass
drag (one's) name through the mud
drag (one's) tail
drain the main vein
draw (one's) last breath
draw in (one's) horns
drive (one's) pigs to market
drop (one's) guard
drop (something) in (someone's) lap
drop the gloves
drum (something) into (someone's) head
dry (one's) eyes
earn (one's) crust
earn (one's) wings
eat (away) at (someone's) conscience
eat (one's) gun
eat (one's) own dog food
eat (one's) salt
eat (one's) shirt
eat (one's) Wheaties
eat (one's) words
eat (one's) young
eat (someone's) ass out
eat (someone's) dust
eat your heart out!
egg in (your) beer
Common Names:
Ancient Greek (Latinized), Biblical
English (Rare)
, ro-ZAHN-nə
English, Dutch
Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian, Medieval Slavic
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