What does ILV Stand for?

Browse 25 acronyms and abbreviations related to ILV.

  • Indicative Limit Value
  • Indicative Limit Values
  • Institut Lavoisier de Versailles (French institute)
  • Ionic Levitating Vehicle
  • Industria de Licores del Valle (Columbia)
  • Interne Leistungsverrechnung (German: internal accounting)
  • IMPACT Leadership Village
  • Intermediate Launch Vehicle
  • Integrated Video
  • Interior Lighting
  • Improved Low Visibility (missile)
  • Instituto Lingüístico de Verano
  • I Love Vintage
  • Impact Law Ventures (India)
  • IMPACT Leadership Village
  • Increased Liquefaction Vulnerability
  • Information sur le Lieu de Vente
  • Institut des langues vivantes
  • Institut Lavoisier de Versailles
  • Institut Léonard de Vinci
  • Instituto Laura Vicuña
  • Instituto Luis Vives (Mexico)
  • Integrierte Lehrveranstaltung (German)
  • International Ladies in Vietnam
  • International Language Village (Taishan Foreign Language School; China)
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