What does ISIP Stand for?

Browse 31 acronyms and abbreviations related to ISIP.

  • Idaho Society of Individual Psychology
  • Indonesian Society of Investment Professionals
  • Industrial Scholar Interns Program
  • Initial Shut-In Pressure
  • Integrating Science in the Philippines
  • Intelligent Storage Interconnect Platform
  • International Student Internship Program
  • International Student Interview Program
  • Istation Indicators of Progress (educational assessment software)
  • Initial Strategy Implementation Plan
  • Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
  • Italian Society of Investment Professionals
  • Information Sharing Integration Platform
  • Intelligent Systems and Image Processing
  • Intermediate-Size Inducer Pump
  • International Symposium on Information Processing (IEEE)
  • Institute for Signal and Information Processing
  • Integrated Service Improvement Programme (National Health Service; UK)
  • Integrated Signal/Information Processing
  • International Student Internship Program
  • Integrated Service Improvement Programme
  • Illinois Strategic International Partnerships
  • I'm Stuck in Paradise (website)
  • Improved Side Impact Protection
  • In Speech I Practiced
  • inclusion stability integrity and protection
  • Information Specialist Internship Program
  • Initiative for State Infrastructure Protection
  • Instantaneous Shut In Pressure
  • Interfaith Summer Internship Program
  • It Starts In Parks
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