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What does MGA Stand for?
acronyms and abbreviations related to
What does MGA stand for in Academic & Science?
3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria
Master General Agents/Brokers (financial)
Master Government Appraiser
Master Graphoanalyst
Maywood Glen Academy
Medium Gain Antenna
Megaloblastic Anemia
Melengestrol Acetate (synthetic progesterone)
Member and Geographic Activities
Meteorological and Geophysical Agency (Indonesia)
Michigan Guaranty Agency (Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority)
Micro Gas Analyzer
Micro-Genetic Algorithm
Modified Greedy Algorithm
Modular Gas Analyser
Multiple Gas Analyzer
Multiple Group Analysis
What does MGA stand for in Business?
Macdougall Gabriel Associates (UK)
Magna International, Inc.
Malagasy Ariary (ISO currency code)
Management Group of America
Managing General Agent (insurance)
Master General Adjuster
Mega Uranium, LTD.
Michigan Guaranty Agency
Mutuelle Générale d'Assurances (French: General Mutual Insurance)
What does MGA stand for in Community?
Mailorder Gardening Association
Massachusetts Go Association
Massachusetts Golf Association
Master Gaming Association
Metropolitan Golf Association
Mounted Games Association
What does MGA stand for in Computing?
Macintosh Graphics Adapter
Master Gaming Association
Matrox Graphics Adapter
Matrox Graphics Adapter
Monochrome Graphic Adapter
Monochrome Graphics Adapter
Monochrome Graphics Adapter
Multimode Graphics Adapter
What does MGA stand for in Governmental?
Managing General Agency
Managua, Nicaragua (Airport Code)
Message Guidance Area
Middle Gimbal Angle
Midwestern Governors Association
Minnesota Government Access
MN Government Access
Municipal Government Act
What does MGA stand for in Internet?
My Game Arcade
What does MGA stand for in Medical?
Mass Genome Annotation
What does MGA stand for in Miscellaneous?
Malaysian Golf Association
managing general agent
Manitoba Go Association
Manitoba Goat Association (Manitoba, Canada)
Manitoba Golf Association (Canada)
Many Good Assets
Martial God Asura
Massachusetts Go Association
Master in Global Affairs
Mature Gaming Association (gaming guild)
Mediocre Golf Association
Mediterranean gut ache
Medley Global Advisors
Metal Gear Acid (gaming)
Michael Garrison Associates
Michigan Gamers Association (University of Michigan)
Michigan Gazehound Association
Michigan Guaranty Agency
Micro Games America
Micro Games of America
Microsoft Genuine Advantage (anti-piracy system)
Minnesota Golf Association
Miscibility Gap Alloys
Missouri Golf Association
Model General Assembly
Monash Gallery of Art
Monterey Green Action
Montfort Global Associates
Morris Garage Type A (English sports car )
Morris Graham Armstrong
Multi Gender Attracted
My Giddy Aunt
Myasthenia Gravis Association (UK)
What does MGA stand for in Regional?
Consolidated Rail Corporation
Managua, Nicaragua
Middle Gaelic (900 - 1200)
Monongahela Railway (Norfolk Southern Railway)
What does MGA stand for in Sports?
Massachusetts Golf Association
Mediocre Golf Association
Metropolitan Golf Association
Minnesota Golf Association
Missouri Golf Association
Mounted Games Association
Nearby & Related
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