What does NDB Stand for?

Browse 47 acronyms and abbreviations related to NDB.

  • National Discount Broker
  • NetWare Database
  • New Developments in Bioinorganic
  • National Developement Bank
  • National Development Bank (Sri Lanka)
  • National Diploma in Beekeeping
  • National Discount Brokers
  • National Disk Brokers Group
  • Network Dependent Business
  • NEW Development Bank
  • NEW Development Bank
  • New Digital Business
  • Next Business Day
  • National Development Bank
  • New Development Bank
  • Non-Directional Beacon
  • Nuclear Depth Bomb
  • Nutrient Databank Identifier (USDA)
  • Network Data Base
  • Network Data Base
  • Network Data Boxes
  • Network DataBase
  • New Data Base
  • No DataBase
  • Navigation Data Base
  • Navigational Data Base
  • Networked Database Service
  • Non-Directional Beacon
  • Neue Deutsche Biographie
  • National Dairy Board
  • National Development Bank
  • National Diploma in Beekeeping
  • Network Data Base
  • Neue Deutsche Biographie
  • Neue Deutsche Biographie (German)
  • Never Done Before
  • Nevron drawing binary
  • New Digital Business
  • Newark Deli and Bagels
  • Non Direction Beacon
  • Non Directional Beacon
  • Non-Deductible Breakfast (film/acting)
  • Non-Directional Beacon
  • Nondirectional Radio Beacon
  • None of Your Damned Business
  • Notifiable Data Breaches
  • Nouadhibou, Mauritania
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