What does PLCP Stand for?

Browse 22 acronyms and abbreviations related to PLCP.

  • Physical Layer Convergence Procedure (SONET)
  • Physical Layer Conversion Protocol (DQDB, NEC)
  • Planning Command Pool
  • Personal Learning and Career Plan
  • Pine Lake Corn Processors (Steamboat Rock, IA)
  • Payne Lake Community Partners
  • Port Lincoln Caravan Park
  • Private Land Conservation Program
  • Physical Layer Convergence Procedure
  • Physical Layer Convergence Procedure
  • Physical Layer Convergence Protocol
  • Physical Layer Convergence Protocol
  • Physical Layer Coverage Protocol
  • Premobilization Legal Counseling Program
  • Pre-mobilization Legal Counseling Program
  • Private Land Conservation Program (Australia)
  • Payne Lake Community Partners
  • PHY Layer Convergence Protocol
  • Physical Layer Convergent Protocol
  • Pine Lake Corn Processors
  • Port Lincoln Caravan Park
  • Private Land Conservation Program
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