What does PNL Stand for?

Browse 48 acronyms and abbreviations related to PNL.

  • Pacific Northwest Laboratories
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (usually seen as PNNL; Richland, WA)
  • Partidul National Liberal (National Liberal Party, Romania)
  • Perceived Noise Level
  • Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
  • Polymorphnuclear Leucocyte
  • Power Networking Lunch (various locations)
  • Probabistic Networks Library
  • Pseudo Natural Language
  • Pulsed Neutron Log (oil & gas industry/geology)
  • Passenger Name List (airline industry)
  • Personal Assets
  • Profit and Loss
  • Profit and Loss (statement/analysis; business/accounting)
  • Punks Need Lovin' (record company)
  • Patho News Live
  • Pharm News Live
  • Power of Nursing Leadership
  • Precisiated Natural Language
  • Program Neighborhood Light
  • Pacific Naval Lab (Canada)
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Panel
  • Passenger Name List
  • Prescribed Nuclear Load
  • Programación Neurolingüística
  • Power of Nursing Leadership
  • Prior Notification List
  • Programmation neuro linguistique
  • Programmazione neuro linguistica
  • Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory
  • Paal Nilssen Love
  • Pambazuka National Lottery
  • Pantelleria, Italy - Pantelleria (Airport Code)
  • Partidul National Liberal
  • Partnership For New Life
  • Patho News Live
  • Pax et Lux (Tufts University motto)
  • Pharm News Live
  • Poker Night Live (TV Show in UK, Canada)
  • Portable Nigger Lyncher
  • Precisiated Natural Lan
  • Predicted Noise Level
  • Preferred Network List
  • Pretty Noise Lab
  • Programación Neuro Lingüistica (Spanish)
  • Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica (Italian: Neuro-Linguistic Programming; psychology)
  • Pantelleria, Italy
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