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What does PRIDE Stand for?
acronyms and abbreviations related to
What does PRIDE stand for in Academic & Science?
Personal Responsibility Includes the Dorm Environment
Planning Requirements Input Data Entry
Population Research in Identity and Disparities for Equality
Praising, Reflecting, Imitating, Describing, Enthusiasm (Brinkmeyer & Eyberg "Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Oppositional Children")
Provisioning Review Input Data Evaluation
Public Records Imaged Data Enterprise
What does PRIDE stand for in Business?
Parents' Resource Institute for Drug Education
Partnership For Rehabilitation Investment Development And Education
Partnership, Respect, Innovation, Diversity, and Excellence
Partnerships Responsive to Individual Development and Education
Pension Review Insurance Debacle Exposed
People Recognizing Individual Differences Equally
People Respecting Individuality, Diversity, and Equality
People Responsible In Developing Employment
People Responsive Innovative Dedicated Enthusiastic
People Rest, I Do Extra
People, Resources, Initiative, Determination, and Empowerment
Performance Reflecting Initiative Dignity And Excellence
Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Dependability, and Excellence
Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Enthusiasm
Personal Responsibility In Developing Excellence
Plan of Recovery for Individual Development and Employment
Planning, Revitalization, Installation, Development, and Evaluation
Post-marketing Receipt and Investigation for Drug Evaluation
Practice Responsible Independent Decisions Everyday
Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises
Product Resource Investment, Deployment, and Evaluation
Productivity and Responsibility Increase Development and Employment
Professional Response In Delivering Excellence
Professional Responsibility In Delivering Excellence
Professional Results In Daily Efforts
Proven, Respectful, Innovative, Decisive, Enthusiastic
Providing Recognition for Individuals Dedicated to Excellence
What does PRIDE stand for in Community?
Parent Resource for Information Development Education
Parent Resource In Drug Education
Parent Resource Institute for Drug Education
Parent Resources For Information Development And Education
Parents Ready Involved Desiring Excellence
Parents Reinforcing Infant Development And Education
Parents Resource for Information Development and Education
Parent's Resource for Information Development and Education
Parks and Recreation Inspire Dignity and Esteem
Partnership, Responsibility, Involvement, Duty, and Enforcement
Paxton Revitalization Initiative for Downtown Enhancement
Peaceful Respect Is Diversity end Equality
People of Riverview Informed, Dedicated, and Educated
People Respecting Individual Diversity and Equality
People Running Intermurals Designed For Everyone
Personal Growth, Resiliency, Innovation, Diverse Opportunities and Engagement
Personal Relationships And Interactions Do Empower
Personal Responsibility In a Desirable Environment
Personal Responsibility In Daily Effort
Personal Road to Individual Development and Employment
Poets Rule In Desperate Eras
Politeness, Respect, Integrity, Discipline, and Excellence
Praising Residents In Defining Excellence
Preparatory Rehabilitation for Individual Development and Employment
Private Resources In Developing Education
Progressive Rejuvenation Improvement And Development Enterpr
Promoting Responsible Ideas and Deeds Everyday
Purpose, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Enthusiasm
What does PRIDE stand for in Governmental?
Pagans Reveling In Diversified Energy
Parents Reducing Incidents of Driver Error
Partnership, Responsibility, Involvement, Duty, and Enforcement
Patriotism Responsibility Integrity Determination And Excellence
People, Respect, Involvement, Discipline, and Excellence
Personalized Recruiting for Immediate and Delayed Enlistment
Planning Resource for Infrastructure Development and Evaluation
Planning Resource for Infrastructure Development and Evaluation (facilities management; US Army National Guard)
Politeness, Respect, Integrity, Discipline, and Excellence
Preparatory Rehabilitation for Individual Development and Employment
Pressure Resistance Impact Direction Energy
Professional Responsibility In Daily Effort
Program to Revitalize Industrial Defense Efficiency
Purpose Reputation Integrity Direction and Energy
What does PRIDE stand for in Medical?
Pediatricians Recognizing Individuals Demonstrating Excellence
Peoples Restricted Intake Diet Education
What does PRIDE stand for in Miscellaneous?
Panthers Running in the Direction of Excellence (school)
Parent Resources For Information Development And Education
Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education
Parents Reinforcing Infant Development And Education
Parent's Resource Institute for Drug Education
Participation Responsibility Integrity Determination And Excellence
Passion Respect Innovation Denizen Excellence
People and Resources Identification for Distributed Environments
People Recognizing Individual Differences Exist
People Respecting Individual Diversity Everywhere
People Respecting Individuality Diversity and Equality
People Restoring Image And Developing The Environment
People to Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere
People to Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (Canada)
Perfect Ritual Improves DeMolay in Everyway (International Order of DeMolay)
Perseverance Respect Integrity Discipline and Excellence
Person Responding In Dedicated Excellence
Personal Responsibility Impacts Daily Experience
Personal Responsibility in Delivering Excellence
Personal Responsibility In Determining Excellence
Pink Ribbon Deeds
Pioneers Reinvesting In Denver Excellence
Pitt Regional International Data Entity
Potential Respect Innovation Determination and Excellence
Praise Reflect Imitate Describe and Enthusiasm
Prepare Resume Immediately, Dismissal Expected :-)
Prepared Respectful Independent Dependable and Example
Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises (Florida)
Production of Reliable Items Demands Excellence
Professional Instructor in Driver Education
Professional Results In Daily Effort
Professionalism Responsiveness Involvement Dedication And Excellence
Program Integrated Design Environment
Progressive Rejuvenation Improvement And Development Enterpr
Promote Recruit Involve Donate and Employ
Promote Respect Inclusion and Dignity for Everyone
Promoting Relationships In Diversity Education
Promoting Responsibility Integrity Discipline And Example
Promoting Responsibility Integrity Discipline And Excellence
Proprietor Retention Incentive Dedication Earnings
Protecting Resources In Delicate Environments
Proud Representatives Initiating Dynamic Enrollment
Proven Respectful Innovative Decisive Enthusiastic
Providing Resources To Individuals Determined To Excel
Providing Responsible Information on A Dog's Environment
Putting Rigs in Driver's Education (LOADS)
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