What does SDCP Stand for?

Browse 24 acronyms and abbreviations related to SDCP.

  • Sintered Beta-Dicalcium Pyrophosphate
  • Specialist Diploma in Construction Productivity
  • Sample Data Collection Program
  • San Diego Church Planting
  • San Diego Cooperative Preschool
  • Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan (Arizona)
  • South Denbighshire Community Partnership
  • System Display Control Panel
  • Serial Data Control Protocol
  • Serial Data Control Protocol
  • Serial Device Control Protocol
  • Shared Diagnostic Control Panel
  • Software Distribution Compliance Policy
  • Sonata Digital Commerce Platform
  • Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan
  • Summary Development Cost Plan
  • Site Development Control Plan
  • Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy
  • San Diego Cooperative Preschool
  • San Dimas Connection Project
  • Smallholder Dairy Commercialization Programme
  • Special Detailed Controls Plans
  • Specialist Diploma in Construction Productivity
  • Supply Demand Control Point
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