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What does SGA Stand for?
acronyms and abbreviations related to
What does SGA stand for in Academic & Science?
same-gender attraction
Seattle Gymnastics Academy
Second Generation Antipsychotic
Seed Growers Association (various locations)
Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique (French: Algebraic Geometry Seminar)
Shared Global Area
Sierpinski Gasket Antenna
Social Gender Associate
Society for Geology Applied
Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
Soil Gas Analysis
Solderable Grid Array
Spectrographic Analysis
Standard Genetic Algorithm
State Government Affairs (various organizations)
Steepest Gradient Algorithm
Student Governing Academics
Student Governing Association
Student Government Administration
Student Government Association
Student Growth Assessments
Subjective Global Assessment
System Global Area (Oracle)
What does SGA stand for in Business?
Saga Communications, Inc.
Sales General And Administration
Sales, General and Administration (cost of doing business; also seen as SG&A)
Sales, General, and Administrative
Samco Global Arms
Self Government Association
Selling General Administrative
Selling, General, and Administrative
Silica Gel Alliance
Small Group Activity
Songwriters Guild of America
Southern Gas Association
Southern Governors' Association
Stellmach Gorski And Associates
What does SGA stand for in Community?
Same Gender Attraction
Schweizerische gesellschaft für Automatik
Second Generation Adult
Self Governing Association
Slavic Gospel Association
Southern Governors Association
Standard Gaussian Approximation
Student Government Association
Substantial Gainful Activity
Sysops Guild Association
What does SGA stand for in Computing?
Sales General And Administration
Secure Gateway Appliance
Selling General Administrative
Shared Global Area
Simple Genetic Algorithm
Simple GIF Animator
Solder Grid Array
Start of Guarded Area
System Global Area
System Global Area
What does SGA stand for in Governmental?
Same Gender Attraction
Secrétariat Général pour l'Administration (French: General Secretariat for Administration)
Small for Gestational Age
Small Government Act of 2001 (Massachusetts)
Solicitation for Grant Applications
Standards of Grade Authorization
Strategic Grant Agreement
Substantial Gainful Activity
What does SGA stand for in Medical?
Small for Gestational Age
What does SGA stand for in Miscellaneous?
Sales General and Administrative
Sales of Goods Act
Sardis Girard Alexander
Schulgemeinschaftausschuß (German parent, teacher and student school committee)
Scottsdale Gallery Association
Sea Grant Association (Sea Grant Program)
Section on Great Apes (Primate Specialist Group; IUCN/SSC)
Semester Grade Average
Serverless Global ArchitectureTM
Set Group Address
short for gestational age
Side Guard Assist
Silver Ghost Association
Slavic Gospel Association
Slavic Gospel Association (Loves Park, IL; est. 1934)
Smart Growth America
Smoking Goat Association
So Good Academy
Society of Golf Appraisers
Solid Green Arrow
Soul Glow Activatur (band)
Squid Giant Axon
Stack Gas Analyzer
Stadium Give Away
Standard Galactic Alphabet (Commander Keen game)
Star Gate Asgard
Stargate Alliance (gaming clans, Freelancer)
StarGate Atlantis
Stargate Atlantis (TV show)
State Games of America
Steady Green Arrow
Steer Gear Assembly
Strives To Give A
Students Gargling Antifreeze
Substantial Gainful Activity (US SSA)
Suzuki Genuine Accessories
Swedish Game Awards (game development competition)
Swedish Greenkeepers Association
Syndicat General de l'Automobile
What does SGA stand for in Regional?
Old Irish (to 900)
Sheghnan, Afghanistan
What does SGA stand for in Sports?
Seattle Gymnastics Academy
Nearby & Related
SGAA stand for
SGAB stand for
SGAC stand for
SGACD stand for
SGACS stand for
SGAD stand for
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