What does WAVE Stand for?

Browse 87 acronyms and abbreviations related to WAVE.

  • Wartburg Alumni Volunteering For Enrollment
  • Washington Award for Vocational Excellence (student scholarship)
  • WASP family Verprolin-homologous protein
  • Water Alliance For Voluntary Efficiency
  • Water Alliances for Environmental Efficiency
  • Water Assessments by Volunteer Evaluators
  • Watershed Action For Virginia's Environment
  • Waveform Audio File Format
  • Wavelength Absorption For Visual Enhancement
  • Weather Altimeter Voice Equipment
  • Webber Aerospace Ventures in Education (Webber Junior High School, Fort Collins, CO)
  • Wide Area Vertical Expansion
  • Wide Area Voice Environment
  • Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment
  • Wireless Access Vehicular Environment (IEEE)
  • WWW, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Environments Exploration (NASA)
  • Nuwave Technologies, Inc.
  • Nuwave Technologies, Incorporated (de-listed)
  • Nuwave Technologies, Incorporated (de-listed)
  • Warrant Alternative Vehicle
  • Waste Annihilated Value Enhanced
  • We Always Value Excellence
  • Weyerhaeuser Active Volunteer Employee
  • Weyerhaeuser Active Volunteer Employees
  • Women of Achievement, Vision, and Excellence
  • Work Assist Vehicle
  • Work, Attitude, Values, & Enhance
  • Walk-thru Virtual Environment
  • Watermarks Award For Variety And Excellence
  • Wausau Area Virtual Education
  • We All Value Everyone
  • West Africa Vocational Education
  • Wide Area Visualization Experimental
  • Win A Vacation Easy
  • Women Advocates Of Virtue And Edification
  • Women Against Violence And Endangerment
  • Women as Voices and Educators
  • Wonderful Adolescent Ventilator Experience
  • Wondrously Advantageous Virtual Education
  • Words Are Very Empowering
  • Work Assessment Vocational Education
  • Working Against Violence Everywhere
  • Workshop For Adult Vocational Enrichment
  • Worship Action Vertical Experience
  • Wav Encoder
  • Wide Area Video Exploitation
  • Wide Area Virtual Environment
  • Wide Area Voice Exchange
  • Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments
  • Wireless Audio Visual Email
  • WAD (Work Authorization Document) Authoring and Validation Environment
  • Walking Attack Vehicle Enhanced
  • Walmart Advanced Vehicle Experience
  • Warfighter Alliance in a Virtual Environment
  • Watermarks Award For Variety And Excellence
  • WB-57 Ascent Video Experiment
  • Weather Access for Visualization and Exploitation
  • Web Automatic Verification of Enrollment (US DoD Montgomery GI Bill)
  • Wireless Advanced Vehicle Electrification
  • Women Advocates of Virtue and Edification
  • Women Against Violence And Endangerment
  • Working Against Violence Everywhere
  • World Advanced Vehicle Expedition
  • Web Access To Virtually Everything
  • Wellness Activities For Virtually Everyone
  • World Association of Veterinary Educators
  • Washington Award for Vocational Excellence
  • Water Assessments by Volunteer Evaluators
  • We All Volunteer Everything (WCRC)
  • Webster Academy Visions in Education (Webster, TX)
  • Welcomed Assured Valued and E
  • Welcomed Assured Valued and Energised
  • Wide Area Virtual-Prototyping Environment
  • Wide Area Visualization Environment
  • Wideband Angular Vibration Experiment
  • Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment
  • Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency
  • Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service (US Navy; properly written as WAVES)
  • Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency
  • Women Achieving Victory & Esteem
  • Women Against Violence Europe
  • Woodland Access Visual Enterprise
  • Work Attitude and Values Enhancement
  • Working Against Violence Everywhere (prevention of violence in schools)
  • World Advanced Vehicle Expedition
  • West Africa Vocational Education
  • Women Against Violence Europe
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