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What does WTF Stand for?
acronyms and abbreviations related to
What does WTF stand for in Academic & Science?
Walk to Freedom (US Army)
Water The Flowers
Water-Table Fluctuation (groundwater)
What's The Forecast?
Where's the File (software)
World Trade Fair (various organizations)
Write The Formula
Write to File
What does WTF stand for in Business?
Waiting Time Fund
Walk Thru Fire
Water Finder Technology
Where's The Funds?
Wire Transfer Form (payment)
Woodward Takeout Food
World Trade Federation
World Trade Forever Holdings Ltd
What does WTF stand for in Community?
Wait Till Fall
Was Temptation Forgone
Waste Treatment Facility
Watch The Floor
Well That's Fantastic
Went To Florida
What the Frack
Where's The Fire
Where's The Food
Who's The Fairest
Wild Theatre Fun
Wild Turkey Federation
Williamstown Theatre Festival
Wipe The Floor
Women's Trampoline Force
Women's Tri-Fitness Competition
World Taekwondo Federation
World Taekwondo Friendship
What does WTF stand for in Computing?
Wait Til Friday
Web Task Force
Web Technology Forum
Welcome To Facebook
Well That’s Fantastic
Well That's Fantastic
Whack The Frog
What The Frig?
What's This For?
Wikipedia Twitter Facebook
Wireless Telecommunications Facility
Write To File
What does WTF stand for in Governmental?
War Torn Family
War Torn Fantasy
Warriors Truly Fearless
Wastewater Treatment Facility
Watergate Task Force
Wavey Tangerine Flipper
Weapons, Tactics, and Fury
Welcome to Facebook (satire)
What's That Fairhousing
What's the Focus?
Why Trust Fascists
Wikileaks Task Force (US CIA)
Wipe The Floor
Wisconsin Test Facility
With Throttle Full
World Tiddlywinks Federation
What does WTF stand for in Internet?
Want To Find
Way To Funny
Way Totally Fun
Weird Things Found
Welcome to Facebook
Well Thats Fantastic
Well That's Fantastic
Well That's Fine
Well Trained Forum
Well, That's Funny
What The F***
What the F***!
What The F*ck?
What The Flip
What The Flip?
What The Freak?
What The Frick
What The Fudge
What The Fuzz?
What True Friend
What's The Fuss
Where They From
Where's the F***ing?
Where's The Food?
Where's The Forum
why The Face
Why The Face?
Why The Frown
Wikipedia Twitter Facebook
Wikipedia Twitter Fb
Wow That's Fantastic
Wow! That's Funky!
What does WTF stand for in Medical?
Watch Them Feed
Who's The Father
What does WTF stand for in Miscellaneous?
Waffles That Fulfil
Waiting Time Fund
Waking the Fallen (Avenged Sevenfold album)
Wallahi Too Funny
Want The Fish?
Warcraft Text File
Warcraft Text File (World of Warcraft)
Warsaw Transatlantic Forum (Warsaw, Poland)
Wash The Fork
Washington Tennis Foundation
Wasn't That Funny
Waste of Time Fighting
Water Task Force
Way To F***
Way To Fail
Way to Fly
We the Fools (radio show)
Weapons Tactics Force (gaming)
Weapons Task Force (gaming)
Web Template Framework
Webloggish Thingamablobage Formatterizer
Wednesday Thursday Friday
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Weekly Taco Feature
Weekly Top Five
Welcome to Finland
Welcome to Fun
Welcome To Funland
Welcome To the Future
Well and Truly Freaked (polite form)
Well That's Funny
Well, That's Fantastic
Went to France
Werewolf: the Forsaken (gaming)
Wet The Fudge!
Whack The Face
what a terrible failure
What If
What the F
What the F***
What The F***!!!
What The Fact
What The Falafel
What the FAQ?
What the February
What The Feminists
What The Fifty
What The File
What the Fish
What The Florida
What The Frak
What the Frak? (Battlestar Galactica)
What The Freak
What The Freak (polite form)
What the French Toast?
What the Fruitcake
What The Fthursday
What The Fuck
what the fudge
What To Fix
Whats The Fuss
What's The Fuss?
What's This Foolishness
When The Freak (polite form)
When They Fall (band)
When They Fart
When This Finishes
When Trains Float
When Turtles Fly
Where the Freak (polite form)
Where's The Females?
Where's the Fire?
Where's The Fish?
Where's The Food?
Where's The French bread
Where's the Fridge?
Where's The Fruit
Where's The Fudge?
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
White Trash Family
white tulip flowers
Whither the Freedoms
Who the Freak? (polite form)
Whos The Father
Why That Face
Why the Failure
Why The Freak (polite form)
Why the Frown?
Why's That Funny
Wikipedia Twitter Facebook
wikipedia twitter fb
Wilderness Traverse Of Fiordland
Will to Fight
Willing To Fail
Win the Future
Window Transform Function
Windowed Time Facility (Apple)
Wine Tapas and Fun
Winning The Fight
Witendofi (website)
Without The Fruitloops
Witness The Future
Woah Thats Freaky
Women Trans And Femme
Women Trans Femme
Women's Track and Field
Wonderful Terrific Fantastic
Woodson Track and Field (Virginia)
Woodward Takeout Food
Words That Follow (online game)
Work That Female
Work Time Fun
Work Time Fun (PSP game)
World Tennis Federation
World Tiddlywinks Federation
World Tour Finals
World Trade Five
worse than failure
Worst to First (Connecticut maternity compaign)
Wow, That's Fantastic (chat slang)
Wow, That's Fun! (chat slang)
Wrestling Takedown Federation (TV episode title; South Park)
What does WTF stand for in Regional?
World Travel Fair
What does WTF stand for in Sports?
Women's Trampoline Force
Women's Tri-Fitness Competition
World Taekwondo Federation
World Taekwondo Friendship
Nearby & Related
WTFA stand for
WTFB stand for
WTFC stand for
WTFCP stand for
WTFD stand for
WTFE stand for
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