out of sight, out of mind

Prov. If you do not see someone or something frequently, you will forget about it. (Sometimes used to imply that you will forget about people who have moved away.) Ever since I moved, none of my old friends have gotten in touch with me. It's out of sight, out of mind with them, evidently. My electric bill somehow got moved to the bottom of the stack on my desk, and I forgot all about paying it. out of sight, out of mind.
See also: mind, of, out

out of sight, out of mind

not able to be seen and so not thought about Some people working at home start to feel they are out of sight, out of mind as far as their boss is concerned.
See also: mind, of, out

Out of sight, out of mind.

something that you say which means if you do not hear about or see someone or something for a period of time, you stop thinking about them You'll soon forget about him after he leaves - out of sight, out of mind.
See lose sight of
See also: mind, of, out

out of sight, out of mind

phr. & comp. abb. I don’t pay attention to what I can’t see. I completely forgot about it. OOSOOM!
See also: mind, of, out



Common Names:

Mercurius-Roman Mythology
Yura-Russian, Ukrainian
KalebKAY-ləbEnglish (Modern)
Dick (2)DIKDutch