on the one hand

the first thing to consider is On the one hand, I'd like more money, but I don't want to work extra hours.
Usage notes: often followed by but on the other (hand) as a second consideration different from the first (even when on the one hand has not been used): I like classical music, but on the other hand, my husband loves jazz.
See also: hand, on, one

on the one hand

Also, on one hand. As one point of view, from one standpoint. This phrase is often paired with on the other hand to indicate two sides of an issue. For example, On the one hand this car is expensive; on the other hand, it's available and we need it right now . [First half of 1600s]
See also: hand, on, one

on the one hand

and OT1H
phr. & comp. abb. one thing to consider is.... OT1H, U R on time, but you forgot to sign in.
See also: hand, on, one



Common Names:

Brittania-English (Rare)
AchanAY-kan (English)Biblical
BertholdBERT-hawltGerman (Archaic)