中文 – 简体
to tell someone something; to tell someone nonsense.
Don't hand me that stuff! That's silly!
She handed me a line about being a famous author.
Have a nice day
(from) hand to mouth
(one's) (hand)writing is like chicken scratch
(someone's) hands are full
a bird in the hand
a fine Italian hand
a firm hand on the tiller
a hand in
a hand with
a hand-me-down
a helping hand
a hot hand
a safe pair of hands
all hands and the cook
all hands on deck
all hands to the pumps
an iron fist in a velvet glove
an iron hand in a velvet glove
an old hand
at first hand
at hand
at second hand
at the hand of
at the hands of
back of (one's) hand
back of one's hand
bare hands, with one's
be a dab hand
be in (one's) hands
be in hand
be in hands
be in safe hands
be on hand
be out of (one's) hands
be out of hands
be putty in hands
bear a hand
big hand
bird in the hand
bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
bite the hand that feeds
bite the hand that feeds one
bite the hand that feeds you
bottom hand
bound hand and foot
by (one's) own hand
by a show of hands
by hand
can count on the fingers of one hand
can’t find one’s butt with both hands
can’t find one’s butt with both hands in broad daylight
can't find butt with both hands
can't keep hands off
can't see hand in front of face
cap in hand
carry fire in one hand and water in the other
caught with (one's) hand in the cookie jar
change hands
clean hands, have
close at hand
Cold hands, warm heart
come cap in hand
could do with one arm tied behind back
cup hands together
Dead Man's Hand
deal in
devil finds work for idle hands to do
die by own hand
dirty hands
dirty one's hands
dishpan hands
don't bite the hand that feeds (you)
don't hand me that line
don't hand me that story
eat out of hand
eat out of someone's hand
extra pair of hands
fall into hands
fall into the wrong hands
feed someone a line
fill (one's) hand
firm hand
firm hand on the tiller
first hand
fold hands
force (one's) hand
force hand
force someone's hand
free hand
from hand to hand
from my cold, dead hands
gain the upper hand
get (one's) hands dirty
get (one's) hands on (someone)
get (one's) hands on (something)
get a hand (with something)
get a hand on (something)
get hands dirty
get hands dirty and dirty hands; soil hands
get hands on
get into the wrong hands
get out of hand
get the upper hand
give (one) a hand
give (someone) the back of (one's) hand
give a free hand
give a hand
give to on a plate
give to on a platter
glad hand
go hand in hand
go hang yourself
grease (one's) hand
grease someone's palm
hand (one) (one's) head
hand (something) to (someone) on a plate
hand and foot
hand around
hand back
hand down
hand down from to
hand in
hand in (something)
hand in glove
hand in hand
hand in the till, with one's
Hand it over
hand it to
hand it to someone
hand job
hand off
hand on
hand on the torch
hand out
hand over
hand over fist
hand over hand
hand over the baton
hand over the reins
hand someone something
hand to
hand to hand
hand to mouth, from
hand to on a silver platter
hand up
hand with (something)
hands are tied
hands down
hands off
Hands off!
hands up
Hands up!
hat in hand
have (hand)writing like chicken scratch
have (one's) hand out
have (one's) hands on (something)
have (something) in (one's) hands
have a hand in
Have a nice day
have at fingertips
have blood on hands
have clean hands
have fingers in the till
have hand in
have hand in the till
have hands full
have hands tied
have in hand
have in hands
have in the palm of hand
have on hands
have one's hands full
have the upper hand
have the whip hand
have time on hands
have to hand it to
heavy hand, with a
helping hand
hired hand
hold hand
I have to hand it to
idle hands are the devil's playthings
idle hands are the devil's tools
idle hands are the devil's workshop
in good hands
in hand
in one's hands
in the hands of
in the palm of hand
iron hand
join hands
keep hand in
keep hands clean
keep hands off
keep hands to
keep one's hand in
Keep your hands to yourself
know like a book
know like the back of hand
know like the palm of hand
lay a hand on
lay hands on
leave in hands
left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, the
lend a hand
lend a hand with
lie in
life is in hands
lift a hand
live from hand to mouth
live hand to mouth
Many hands make light work
near at hand
not lift a finger
off hands
off someone's hands
old hand
old hand at something
on all hands
on hand
on one hand
on one's hands
on the one hand
on the one hand...on the other hand
on the other hand
One hand for oneself and one for the ship
one hand washes the other (and both wash the face)
out of control
out of hand
out of hands
overplay hand
pass in
pass the torch
play into hands
play into the hands of
play the hand (one) is dealt
put (one's) hand to (something)
put (one's) hands together (for someone or something)
put hand in pocket
put hand on heart
put hand to the plow
put hand up
put hands on
put your hands together for someone
putty in hands
putty in someone's hands
raise (one's) hand
raise a hand
raise a hand against
raise hand against
reject out of hand
right-hand man
rub hands
rub one's hands
rule with a rod of iron
run fingers through hair
safe pair of hands
second hand
set (one's) hand to
shake hand
shake hands
shake hands with the unemployed
show (someone) the back of (one's) hand
show hand
show of hands
show one's hand
sit on hands
sit on its hands
sit on one's hands
sleight of hand
soil (one's) hands
steady hand on the tiller
strike hands
take a hand in
take hands off
take in hand
take into own hands
take life in hands
take matters into own hands
take off hands
take someone's life
take the law into one's hands
take the law into own hands
talk to the hand
the dead hand of
The devil finds work for idle hands
The hand that rocks the cradle
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
the matter in hand
the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing
throw hands up
throw hands up in horror
throw in hand
throw in one's hand
throw up hands
throw up one's hands
tie hands
tie one's hands
time hangs heavy
Time hangs heavy on hands
time on hands
time on one's hands
tip hand
tip one’s hand
tip one's hand
to hand
top hand
try hand
try hand at
try one's hand
turn hand to
turn one's hand to
upper hand
wait on hand and foot
wait upon (someone) hand and foot
wandering hands
wash (one's) hands
wash hands of
wash one's hands of
well in hand
win hands down
with a heavy hand
with a high hand
with bare hands
with bloody hand
with both hands
with one arm tied behind one's back
with one hand tied behind back
with own fair hands
work hand in glove with
wring hands
Common Names:
Ancient Greek (Latinized)
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