
Don't swap horses at midstream.

1. Proverb Do not try to choose or back a different political figure for an election after the decision has already been made or the position filled. Many people are dissatisfied with the senator's performance but will likely carry his party's support through to the next election—don't swap horses at midstream, as the saying goes.
2. Proverb By extension, do not make major changes to a situation or course of action that is already underway. I'm really not confident in the strength of my essay, but I guess I just have to see this one through at this point. Like they say, don't swap horses at midstream.
See also: horse, swap

Don't swap horses in the middle of the stream.

1. Proverb Do not try to choose or back a different political figure for an election after the decision has already been made or the position filled. Many people are dissatisfied with the senator's performance but will likely carry his party's support through to the next election—don't swap horses in the middle of the stream, as the saying goes.
2. Proverb By extension, do not make major changes to a situation or course of action that is already underway. I'm really not confident in the strength of my essay, but I guess I just have to see this one through at this point. Like they say, don't swap horses in the middle of the stream.
See also: horse, middle, of, swap

Don't swap horses in the middle of the river.

1. Proverb Do not try to choose or back a different political figure for an election after the decision has already been made or the position filled. Many people are dissatisfied with the senator's performance but will likely carry his party's support through to the next election—don't swap horses in the middle of the river, as the saying goes.
2. Proverb By extension, do not make major changes to a situation or course of action that is already underway. I'm really not confident in the strength of my essay, but I guess I just have to see this one through at this point. Like they say, don't swap horses in the middle of the river.
See also: horse, middle, of, swap

swap horses in midstream

1. To choose a new leader during a period of upheaval or uncertainty. The prime minister has been at the helm throughout the crisis. I just don't think we should swap horses in midstream.
2. To make major changes to a situation or course of action that is already underway. We're about to close on the house, and my husband suddenly wants to swap horses in midstream and look at another property!
See also: horse, midstream, swap

swap notes (on someone or something)

to share information on someone or something. The two girls sat around swapping notes on guys they knew. The mechanics were swapping notes on rude customers they had dealt with in the last month.
See also: note, swap

swap someone or something for (someone or something else)

to trade someone or something for someone or something else. I will swap my shortstop for your second baseman. There are times when I would gladly swap you for a new careven an old car!
See also: swap

swap someone or something with someone

to exchange a person or thing for someone else's person or thing. The representatives of the two countries swapped spies with each other. Can I swap jackets with you?
See also: swap

swap with someone

to exchange someone or something with someone. I like yours better. I'll swap with you. If you don't want the sandwich you have, I will swap with you.
See also: swap

change horses in midstream, don't

Also, don't swap horses in midstream. It's unwise to alter methods or choose new leaders during a crisis, as in I don't hold with getting a new manager right now-let's not swap horses in midstream. This expression was popularized (although not originated) by Abraham Lincoln in a speech in 1864 when he discovered that the National Union League was supporting him for a second term as President.
See also: change, horse

swap around

1. To exchange some set of things, moving each into the position of another: I swapped the screws around in the holes until I had them all in the right places. We bought several books from the bookstore and swapped them around between us.
2. To trade places: We each wanted to sit on the other side of the table, so we swapped around. I asked the man sitting in the window seat if he would swap around with me so I could see the ocean.
See also: around, swap

swap out

To remove something and replace or exchange it: The program swapped out the contents of memory to make space for more data. I swapped the memory card out for a newer one.
See also: out, swap

swap over

1. To exchange a part with some similar part: She swapped the flashlight's batteries over to see if the bulb had burned out. He swapped over the memory card for a new one.
2. Chiefly British To exchange positions or functions: When we reach London, let's swap over; you drive and I'll read the map.
See also: swap

swap notes (on someone or something)

tv. to share information on someone or something. The mechanics were swapping notes on rude customers they had dealt with in the past month.
See also: note, on, swap

swap notes

See also: note, swap

swap spits

tv. to kiss with someone. Tiffany and Wilbur were off somewhere swapping spits, I guess.
See also: spit, swap

Common Names:

Herleva-Ancient Germanic
Kishore-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu
Arati-Indian, Hindi, Marathi