
alpha and omega

The beginning and the end; the entirety of something. (Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.) In order to do well on the exam, you need to know the alpha and omega of the textbook.
See also: alpha, and

alpha and omega

both the beginning and the end; the essentials, from the beginning to the end; everything, from the beginning to the end. He was forced to learn the alpha and omega of corporate law in order to even talk to the lawyers. He loved her deeply. She was his alpha and omega.
See also: alpha, and

alpha and omega

The beginning and the end, the first and the last, as in She had to master the alpha and omega of the new computer program before she could even begin . This idiom and its meaning, based on the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, appears in the New Testament (Revelation 1:8): "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord," where it is repeated three more times.
See also: alpha, and

Alpha Charlie

n. a bawling out; a severe scolding. (Based on AC = ass-chewing. NATO Phonetic Alphabet.) The cop stopped me and gave me a real Alpha Charlie for speeding.
See also: alpha, Charlie

Common Names:

Paulo-Portuguese, Galician
ConnorKAHN-ər (English)Irish, English (Modern)
Stan (2)-Romanian