
anytime you're ready

A phrase that encourages the listener to take or start a course of action. A: "Can I start the meeting now?" B: "Sure, anytime you're ready."
See also: anytime, ready

Anytime you are ready,

 and Anytime you're ready.
a phrase indicating that the speaker is waiting for the person spoken to to make the appropriate move or action. Mary: I think it's about time to go. Bill: Anytime you're ready. Surgeon: Shall we begin the operation?Nurse: Anytime you're ready, Doctor.
See also: anytime, ready

Come back anytime.

Please come and visit us again. You're always welcome. (Often said by a host or hostess to departing guests.) Mary: So glad you could come. Bill: Thank you. I had a wonderful time. Mary: Come back anytime. Bob: Thanks for the coffee and cake. Bye. Mary: We're glad to have you. Please come back anytime.
See also: anytime, back, come


interj. You are welcome.; Happy to oblige. (Sometimes said in response to Thank you.) MARY: Thanks for the ride. PAUL: Anytime. Think nothing of it.

Common Names:

GoreGAWREnglish (Rare)
Boos-Biblical Greek