

1. n. a woman; a girl. I like the bird you were with last night.
2. n. a derisive noise made with the lips; a raspberry. The third time he fumbled, he was greeted by two thousand mouths making the bird.
3. n. an odd person. Some old bird came up to me and tried to sell me a cookbook.
4. n. a rude gesture made with the middle finger. (Usually with the. See comments at finger wave.) A lot of little kids give people the bird all the time because they see it on television.
5. n. an airplane. I like this bird. She’s a dream to fly.
6. n. one hundred dollars. This thing cost three birds! Bull!

Common Names:

Aram (1)-Kurdish
WilmaVIL-mah (German, Dutch), WIL-mah (Dutch), WIL-mə (English)German, Dutch, English
Pejo-Croatian, Serbian
GraemeGRAY-əm, GRAMScottish, English (Rare)
ǪRvar-Norse Mythology