

1. n. an unpleasant or irritating female. (Rude and derogatory. See the complete list of all entries with bitch in the Index of Hidden Key Words.) How can anyone be expected to deal with a bitch like that?
2. in. to complain. (Usually objectionable.) Oh, stop bitching! I’m sick of hearing your noise.
3. n. a complaint. (Usually objectionable.) I’ve got a bitch about this new foreman.
4. n. a difficult thing or person. (Usually objectionable.) This algebra problem is a real bitch.
5. tv. to ruin something. (see also bitch something up.) You really bitched this coil of wire.
6. n. one’s girlfriend. (Black. Usually objectionable.) Me and my bitch really like this kind of stuff.
7. and biatch and beotch n. buddy; cohort. (Streets. Also additional spellings.) Good, man, ma biatch.

Common Names:

Calistakə-LIS-tə (English), kah-LEE-stah (Spanish)English, Portuguese, Spanish
Aliya (1)-Kazakh, Tatar, Arabic
Catharinakah-tah-REE-nah (Dutch)Dutch, Swedish