

1. slang noun A female breast. The male fascination with boobs will always be beyond my understanding.
2. noun A stupid, clumsy, or foolish person. Jeremy can act like such a boob sometimes.
3. noun A foolish or clumsy mistake or error. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. Aw, don't worry, you just made a bit of a boob, that's all.
4. verb To make a foolish or clumsy mistake or error. Primarily heard in UK. I'm afraid I boobed pretty spectacularly in class this morning.

booby prize

a mock prize given to the worst player or performer. Bob should get the booby prize for the worst showing in the race.
See also: booby, prize


1. n. a stupid person; a rural oaf. Why did I marry a boob like you?
2. and booby (ˈbubi) n. a breast. (Usually plural. Usually objectionable.) With boobs like that, she can go anywhere she likes.


See boob

booby hatch

n. a mental hospital. I was afraid they would send me to the booby hatch.
See also: booby, hatch

Common Names:

Turid-Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Stamen-Bulgarian, Macedonian
ÓEngus-Ancient Irish, Irish Mythology