
money talks and bullshit walks

A phrase emphasizing the persuasive power of money. The phrase was perhaps most famously used by politician Michael "Ozzie" Myers, who was recorded saying it—and accepting a monetary bribe from undercover FBI agents—during the Abscam scandal in 1980. If you want us to help you out, here's some advice—money talks and bullshit walks!
See also: and, bullshit, money, talk, walk

money talks, bullshit walks

A phrase emphasizing the persuasive power of money. The phrase was perhaps most famously used by politician Michael "Ozzie" Myers, who was recorded saying it—and accepting a monetary bribe from undercover FBI agents—during the Abscam scandal in 1980. If you want us to help you out, here's some advice—money talks, bullshit walks!
See also: bullshit, money, walk

bullshit artist

Also, bull artist. A person who habitually exaggerates, flatters, or talks nonsense. For example, Don't believe a word of it-he's a bullshit artist. Both versions are considered vulgar slang. The first dates from the 1940s, the second from the World War I period.
See also: artist, bullshit


1. n. lies; deception; hype; nonsense. (Also an exclamation: Bullshit! Widely known and used by both sexes. Usually objectionable.) That’s just a lot of bullshit!
2. tv. to deceive someone verbally. (Usually objectionable.) Are you trying to bullshit me?
3. in. to tell lies; to hype and promote. (Usually objectionable.) Can’t you stop bullshitting about how good you are?
4. mod. false; deceptive. (Usually objectionable.) I’m sick of those bullshit ads on TV.

bullshit artist

and bullshitter
n. a person expert at lies, deception, and hype. (see also bullshit. Usually objectionable.) What can you expect from a bullshit artist? The truth? Listen to me. Don’t ever try to bullshit a bullshitter!
See also: artist, bullshit

knowledge in, bullshit out

and KIBO
phr. & comp. abb. a phrase expressing distress over stupidity. (Based on FIFO.) My head is just plain KIBO. I get everything confused. College is supposed to be knowledge in, bullshit out.
See also: bullshit, knowledge, out

Common Names:

Moss-English (Archaic), Jewish
Chestibor-Medieval Slavic