
big bully

Someone who is overly critical, domineering, or authoritative, or who is physically or psychologically abusive. The intensifier "big" implies a level childishness, immaturity, or a lack of seriousness or severity if used by an adult. Don't take what he says too much to heart, he's just a big bully. Jeff's been a big bully since he got that promotion.
See also: big, bully

bully pulpit

A public position that allows a person to speak with authority and share his or her views to a large audience. James used his position of class president as a bully pulpit to raise awareness about cyberbullying.
See also: bully, pulpit

Bully for you!

1. an expression that praises someone or someone's courage. (Dated, but still heard.) The audience shouted, "Bravo! Bully for you!" Bob: I quit my job today. Sally: Bully for you! Now what are you going to do? Bob: Well, I need a little loan to tide me over.
2. a sarcastic phrase belittling someone's statement or accomplishment. Bob: I managed to save three dollars last week. Bill: Well, bully for you! Mary: I won a certificate good for a free meal! Sally: Bully for you!
See also: bully

bully is always a coward

Prov. Bullies will only intimidate people who are much weaker than they are, because they are afraid of losing a fight. Child: Dad, Joey keeps picking on me. How can I make him stop? Father: Try fighting back. A bully is always a coward. Bill took advantage of the younger children, but he was quiet and docile around the older ones. A bully is always a coward.
See also: always, bully, coward

bully someone into something

to harass or threaten someone into doing something. The coach tried to bully them into agreeing to stay late and practice. Don't try to bully me into your way of doing things.
See also: bully

a bully pulpit

an important job or position that someone can use to persuade other people to accept their ideas The presidency is a wonderful bully pulpit to convince the country of the need for a balanced budget.
See also: bully, pulpit

Bully for you!

something that you say when you do not think what someone has done deserves praise or admiration, although they think it does 'I cleaned the whole house yesterday.' 'Bully for you!'
See also: bully

Common Names:

Sence-Medieval Spanish
Rika-Swedish, Dutch