
fire on all cylinders

To function or operate at the most desirable or greatest possible level of efficiency, speed, or productivity. (Usually used in the continuous tense.) The new website will be firing on all cylinders once we get the comments section up and running! I only fire on all cylinders after I've had my coffee.
See also: all, cylinder, fire, on


Online articles (especially on social media sites) that use provocative or intriguing headlines (often in combination with images) to drive traffic to the source. I wouldn't put too much faith in that article about "the one food no one should ever eat"—it's probably just clickbait.

click with someone

1. [for something] to be understood or comprehended by someone suddenly. His explanation clicked with Maggie at once.
2. [for someone or something new] to catch on with someone; to become popular or friendly with someone very quickly. The new product clicked with consumers and was an instant success. I clicked with Tom the moment I met him.
See also: click

fire on all cylinders

Also, hit or click on all cylinders . Function very well, as in Once we figured out how to use the new software, the department was firing on all cylinders , or "So the best infielder takes time to fit into the infield of a Big League club and have it hit on all four cylinders again" (Christy Mathewson, Pitching in a Pinch, 1912). This term transfers the functioning of an internal combustion engine, which works best when all its cylinders ignite, to broader use. [Early 1900s]
See also: all, cylinder, fire, on

click (with someone)

in. to catch on with someone; to intrigue someone; to become popular with someone. Sam and Mary are getting along fine. I knew they’d click.
See also: click



Common Names:
