
be compos mentis

Sane or mentally competent. The phrase is Latin for "of sound mind." I doubt that Travis was compos mentis when he committed that crime.
See also: compo

be compos mentis

if someone is compos mentis, they are able to think clearly and are responsible for their actions My mother was quite old at the time but she was perfectly compos mentis.
See also: compo

non compos

(ˈnɑn ˈkɑmpos)
1. mod. out of one’s mind; non compos mentis. She is strictly non compos!
2. and non compos poopoo mod. alcohol intoxicated. That gal isn’t just drunk. She’s non compos poopoo.
See also: compo, non

non compos poopoo

See also: compo, non, poopoo

Common Names:

RiaREE-ahGerman, Dutch
RhodaRO-də (English)Biblical, English
Mot-Near Eastern Mythology
Priskilla-Biblical Greek