
screw (one)self up to concert pitch

To prepare for any event or crisis that may occur. My dad is nervous about me driving so far on my own, so I'm sure he's screwed himself up to concert pitch and is stationed by the phone in case I call.
See also: concert, pitch, screw, up

in concert (with someone)

Fig. in cooperation with someone; with the aid of someone. Mrs. Smith planned the party in concert with her sister. In concert they planned a lovely event.
See also: concert

in concert (with somebody/something)

(slightly formal)
together or in agreement with someone or something Several companies are working in concert to improve delivery of electricity. Our government should not act alone, but in concert with its allies.
See also: concert

in concert

Together, jointly, as in They worked in concert on the script, or When mind is in concert with body, one can accomplish a great deal. This expression uses concert in the sense of "an agreement of two or more persons." [Early 1700s]
See also: concert

Common Names:

'Uriy'el-Biblical Hebrew
Joni (1)JO-neeEnglish
Nicanor-Ancient Greek (Latinized)