

1. n. the gap between the buttocks. You wanna get kicked in the crack?
2. n. the gap between the lips of the vulva. (see also crack-rack.) He screamed something rude about her crack and slapped her.
3. n. women considered as the object of copulation and male sexual release. (Usually with some. Rude and derogatory.) Jed said he had to have some crack soon or he would die.
4. n. a joke; a smart-aleck remark. Another crack like that and your nose will be so reshaped.
5. n. a try (that may or may not succeed). Have another crack at it.
6. n. a unit of something (for a particular price); a use (of something). You would think twice, too, if you remembered that it’s seven dollars a crack.
7. n. crystalline, smokable cocaine. (Drugs.) This crack seems to have become the drug of choice for punks of all ages.
8. in. to break down and talk under pressure. (Underworld.) They kept at her till she finally cracked and talked.
9. mod. [of a person] excellent; top-flight. The dealer’s crack salesman was no help at all.
10. tv. to break into something. (Underworld.) We almost cracked the safe before the alarm went off.

Common Names:

Fearchar-Irish, Scottish