
get credit for (something)

To receive praise, admiration, or acknowledgement for some task, achievement, or accomplishment. Often (but not always) used when someone is praised for something he/she did not actually do. Even though Jenny did all the hard work on the project, Mary was the one who got credit for it. It's good to see Professor Wilson getting credit for her findings.
See also: credit, get

give (someone) credit

1. To give someone praise or recognition. We must give Samantha credit for getting the project finished on time. You have to give John credit for the humility he shows regarding his financial success.
2. To grant or extend financial credit to someone. The shop gave us credit for the faulty television we bought last week. If the bank agrees to give me credit, I'll finally be able to get my business up and running.
See also: credit, give

give credit to (someone)

1. To give someone praise or recognition. We must give credit to Samantha for getting the project finished on time. You have to give credit to John for the humility he shows regarding his financial success.
2. To grant or extend financial credit to someone. The shop gave credit to us for the faulty television we bought last week. If the bank agrees to give credit to me, I'll finally be able to get my business up and running.
See also: credit, give

credit where credit is due

Acknowledgement of someone's work or contribution to something. Often used in the phrase "give credit where credit is due." Come on, give credit where credit is due! I came up with that idea, and you know it! We may not get along very well with Mitch, but we have to give credit where credit is due—he worked hard on that project.
See also: credit, due

take the cash and let the credit go

To only accept instant gratification. The phrase comes from Edward FitzGerald's Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, a 19th-century translation of Persian poetry. I know you teenagers like to take the cash and let the credit go, but you have to work hard over your entire high school career if you want to get into a good college.
See also: and, cash, credit, let, take

buy something on credit

to purchase something now and pay for it later (normally plus interest). Almost everyone who buys a house buys it on credit. I didn't have any cash with me, so I used my credit card and bought a new coat on credit.
See also: buy, credit, on

cash or credit

[a purchase made] either by paying cash or by putting the charges on a credit account. When Fred had all his purchases assembled on the counter, the clerk asked, "Cash or credit?'' That store does not give you a choice of cash or credit. They want cash only.
See also: cash, credit


 (for something)
1. praise or recognition for one's role in something. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) Especially with a lot of ~, much ~.) Mary should get a lot of credit for the team's success. Each of the team captains should get credit.
2. praise or recognition of someone for having a particular quality. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) We give her a lot of credit for her ability to get people to work out their differences. We will give credit to Sharon for her good humor.
3. credit granted to someone's account for some other financial transaction. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) I will give you credit for the returned merchandise. We got credit for the check Brian sent us.

credit someone or something for something

to give someone or something the praise deserved for doing something. We must credit Sarah for her efforts on our behalf. We have to credit all the rain we've had for saving the crops.
See also: credit

credit someone or something with something

1. Lit. to record a payment, deposit, etc., to the account of someone or something. I will credit you with this payment as you request. Your account has been credited with this adjustment.
2. Fig. to give someone or something well-deserved praise for doing something or having something. We have to credit Jeff with saving us a lot of money. We will credit the weather with part of the success of the picnic.
See also: credit

credit something to someone or something

1. Lit. to record a sum owed to the account of someone or something. I will credit this payment to your account. I am afraid that I accidentally credited your payment to George.
2. Fig. to give someone or something well-deserved praise. The entire organization credited much praise to Jeff. We had to credit much of our success to simple good luck.
See also: credit

credit to someone or something

of value or benefit to someone or something; of enough value or worth as to enhance someone or something. I always want to be a credit to my school. John is not what you would call a credit to his family.
See also: credit

deserve credit for something

[for someone] to be owed recognition for doing something. He certainly deserves credit for the work he did on the project.
See also: credit, deserve

do credit to someone

 and do someone credit
to add positively to the reputation of someone. Your new job really does credit to you. Yes, it really does you credit.
See also: credit

extend credit (to someone or a company)

 and extend someone or a company credit
to allow someone to purchase something on credit. I'm sorry, Mr. Smith, but because of your poor record of payment, we are no longer able to extend credit to you. Look at this letter, Jane. The store won't extend credit anymore.
See also: credit, extend

Give credit where credit is due.

Prov. Acknowledge someone's contribution or ability. Jill: Jane, that was a wonderful meal. Jane: I must give credit where credit is due; Alan helped with all of the cooking. Ellen: Roger is pompous, petty, and immature. I think he's completely worthless. Jane: Now, Ellen, give credit where credit is due; he's also extremely smart.
See also: credit, due, give

on credit

using credit; buying something using credit. I tried to buy a new suit on credit, but I was refused. The Smiths buy everything on credit and are very much in debt.
See also: credit, on

reflect credit (up)on someone or something

[for some act] to bring credit to someone or something. (Upon is formal and less commonly used than on.) Your efforts really reflect credit upon you. Mary's success really reflected credit on the quality of her education.
See also: credit, on, reflect

sell something on credit

to sell something now and let the purchaser pay for it later. I'm sorry, we don't sell groceries on credit. It's strictly cash-and-carry. There is a shop around the corner that sells clothing on credit.
See also: credit, on, sell

take credit for something

to allow people to believe that one has done something praiseworthy, whether or not one has actually done it. I can't take credit for the entire success. Toby helped a lot. Mary took credit for everything that Dave did.
See also: credit, take

credit somebody with something

to believe that someone has a particular quality or ability I credited her with more sense than she showed.
See also: credit

do credit to somebody

also do somebody credit
to bring praise and respect to someone for something they have done Her achievements do great credit to her parents. His patience and hard work do him credit.
See also: credit

to somebody's credit

deserving praise and respect Jackson, to his credit, talks about real problems facing real people.
See also: credit

be a credit to

see under do credit to.
See also: credit

do someone proud

1. Also, do credit to someone. Be a source of honor, distinction, or pride. For example, She did us proud, handling the problem with such aplomb, or Your new title does you credit. [Early 1800s]
2. Treat someone or oneself generously or extravagantly, as in You really did us proud with that banquet. [Early 1800s]
See also: proud

extend credit to

Also, extend someone credit. Allow a purchase on credit; also, permit someone to owe money. For example, The store is closing your charge account; they won't extend credit to you any more, or The normal procedure is to extend you credit for three months, and after that we charge interest . This idiom uses the verb extend in the sense of "offer" or "provide," a usage dating from the mid-1500s.
See also: credit, extend

get credit for

Receive acknowledgment or praise for some accomplishment, as in Bill got all the credit for attracting a big audience. Similarly, give credit for means "acknowledge" or "praise," as in We should give the pianist credit for her work in the program. [Mid-1700s]
See also: credit, get

give credit

1. Also, extend credit. Trust someone to pay at some future time what he or she owes. For example, I haven't enough cash this month, so I hope they'll give me credit. This use of credit dates from the mid-1500s.
2. Acknowledge an accomplishment, as in They really should give her credit for the work she's done. [Late 1700s] The phrase is sometimes amplified to give credit where credit is due, meaning the acknowledgment should be to the person who deserves it. This expression was probably coined by Samuel Adams in a letter (October 29, 1777), which put it: "Give credit to whom credit due." It is sometimes put give someone their due, as in We should really give Nancy her due for trying to sort out this mess.
See also: credit, give

Common Names:

Anita (2)-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil
Shikha-Indian, Hindi