n. smegma; any nasty, smelly substance—real or imagined—that accumulates around the genitals, especially in athletes. (Usually objectionable.) Man, this stuff is vile. It smells like crotch-cheese.
n. the penis. (Usually objectionable.) He held his hands over his crotch-cobra and ran for the bedroom.
and crotch-monkey
n. a louse. (Usually in the plural.) He appears to be afflicted with what you might call “crotch-pheasants.” Stop scratching your crotch-monkeys, Zeke.
n. a motorcycle. (For some, only foreign motorcycles are so called.) I can buy a nice car for less than you paid for that crotch-rocket.
n. a skin irritation or disease characterized by itching in the genital area, usually said of males. (see also grunge.) What will get rid of crotch-rot?