
demonstrate against someone or something

to make a public show against someone or something. The citizens demonstrated against the new policies. A number of protestors demonstrated against the mayor.
See also: demonstrate

demonstrate for someone or something

to make a public show in favor of someone or something. We will all demonstrate for Walter's candidacy. A number of supporters demonstrated for the mayor.
See also: demonstrate

demonstrate something to someone

to show someone how something works. Would you please demonstrate this DVD player to me? I may want to buy it. The new products were demonstrated to the board of directors in advance.
See also: demonstrate

Common Names:

KieranKEER-awn, KEE-ar-awnIrish
ĐUraĐJOOR-ahjSerbian, Croatian (Archaic)
Valerija-Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Lithuanian
Ajit-Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali