
designated driver

A person who stays sober during a social gathering and is responsible for safely driving others from one location to another. Since Kara never drinks alcohol, she always offers to be the designated driver for her friends.
See also: designate, driver

designate someone or something as something

to choose or name someone or something as something. Alice will designate Andrew as our representative. She designated herself as the head of the committee.
See also: designate

a designated driver

one person in a group who agrees not to drink alcohol in order to drive the other people to and from a place where they will drink alcohol Tom said he'd be the designated driver when we go out tonight.
See also: designate, driver

Common Names:

HaideeHAY-dee (English)Literature
Agrafenaah-grah-FYE-nah Russian
Hall&Thorn;ÓRa-Ancient Scandinavian