
be bound and determined

To be very focused on completing a particular task or goal. My brother has been practicing all summer because he's bound and determined to make the basketball team this year. I am bound and determined to lose weight, so please don't bring any sweets into the house.
See also: and, bound, determined

bound and determined

Cliché very determined; very committed or dedicated (to something). We were bound and determined to get there on time. I'm bound and determined that this won't happen again.
See also: and, bound, determined

bound and determined

completely serious The women of the town were bound and determined to have a school built.
See also: and, bound, determined

be bound and determined

to have a strong wish to do something and to not allow anything to stop you from doing it (often + to do sth) She's bound and determined to make her career in medical research.
See also: and, bound, determined

bound and determined to

Firmly resolved to, as in He was bound and determined to finish the assignment before taking on another. This phrase is a redundancy used for emphasis, as bound and determined here both mean "resolved to." Also see bound to.
See also: and, bound, determined

Common Names:

WilloughbyWIL-ə-beeEnglish (Rare)
Ulyssayoo-LIS-əEnglish (Rare)