中文 – 简体
(do something) or get off the pot
(do) you read me?
(one) does not wash (one's) dirty linen in public
(one) would do well to (do something)
a man's got to do what a man's got to do
a must do
a rum do
able to do
able to do (something) standing on (one's) head
able to do blindfolded
able to do it
able to do with eyes closed
about to (do something)
about to do
admire to do
aim to do
all the more reason for
as far as is concerned
be damned if do and damned if don't
be down to (do something)
be honor-bound to do (something)
be so bold as to do
beat one’s brains out to do something
behoove one to do
best do
better things to do
bound to do
break balls to do something
break one’s balls to do something
bring to do
bust a gut to do something
bust ass to do something
bust butt to do something
bust nuts to do something
bust one’s ass to do something
bust one’s butt to do something
bust one’s nuts to do something
Can do
can do with
can't do anything with
can't help but do
can't say as I do
can't say that I do
care to do
careful not to do
coax to do
compel to do
condescend to do
could do with
could do with one arm tied behind back
crave to do
damned if (one) does and damned if (one) doesn't
damned if do and damned if don't
damned if I do, damned if I don't
Damned if you do, damned if you don't
deign to do
derring do
devil finds work for idle hands to do
do (one's) bidding
do (one's) block
do (one's) business
do (one's) damnedest
do (one's) darndest
do (one's) darnedest
do (one's) duty
do (one's) homework
do (one's) utmost
do (oneself) in
do (someone) a bad turn
do (someone) a good turn
do (someone) down
do (someone) in
do (someone) out of (something)
do (something) standing on (one's) head
do (something) to death
do a 180 degree turn
do a bean count
do a bunk
do a disappearing act
do a double take
do a dump on someone/something
do a fade
do a favor
do a favour
do a job on
do a job on someone
do a job on someone From do a number on something.
do a job on someone/something
do a kindness
do a land-office business
do a line
do a mischief
do a moonlight flit
do a number on
do a number on someone
do a number on something
do a one-eighty
do a power of good
do a roaring trade
do a runner
do a slow burn
do a snow job on someone
do a takeoff on
do a vanishing act
do a world of good
do about
do an about-face
do any favours
do any good
do anything by halves
do as I say
Do as I say, not as I do
do away with
do battle
Do bears crap in the woods?
Do bears poop in the woods?
Do bears shit in the woods?
do best
do bidding
do bit
do blindfolded
do business
do by
do by halves
do credit to
do damnedest
do dirt
do dirty work
do dope
do double duty
do drugs
do duty as
do for
do good
do head in
do heart good
do homework
Do I have to draw a picture?
Do I have to draw you a picture?
Do I have to paint a picture?
Do I have to paint you a picture?
Do I have to spell it out?
Do I make myself clear?
do in
do it
do it tough
do it up brown
do it with mirrors
do justice to
do level best
do me a favour
Do me a favour!
do me a lemon!
do more harm than good
do no good
do not spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar
Do not wash your dirty linen in public
do nut
do one
do one better
do one good
do one!
do one’s own thing
do one’s thing
do one's best
do one's bit
do one's duty
do one's homework
do one's thing
do oneself proud
do or die
do out of
do over
do own thing
do part
do proud
do right by (someone)
do share
Do sit down
do some bongs
do some fine coin
do somehow by
do somehow for
do someone
do someone dirt
do someone in
do someone proud
do someone wrong
do stuff
do tell
do the business
do the deed
do the dirty on
do the dirty work
do the dishes
do the drink thing
do the drug thing
do the hard way
do the hard yards
do the honors
do the honours
do the job
do the math
do the maths
do the right thing
do the rounds
do the running
do the spadework
do the trick
do the unthinkable
do the world of good
do time
do to excess
do too
do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
do up
do up brown
Do we have to go through all that again?
do well
do well by doing good
do well for (oneself)
do with
do with a vengeance
do without
do wonders
do wrong
Do you eat with that mouth?
Do you get my drift?
do you have the time
Do you kiss your momma with that mouth?
do you know Dr. Wright of Norwich
do you mind
Do you mind!
do you read me
Do you want to make something of it?
do’s and don’ts
don't care if I do
don't crap where you eat
don't drop the soap!
don't get me started
don't give me that line
don't give me that story
don't go there
don't hand me that line
don't hand me that story
don't kill the messenger
don't knock yourself out
don't look at me
don't mind (someone)
don't mind if I do
don't monkey around with me
don't patronize me
don't play (around) with me
don't shit where you eat
don't shoot the messenger
do's and don'ts
double take, do a
drive to do
dump on
dying to do
empower to do
enable to do
encourage to do
endeavor to do
enjoin to do
entitle to do
entreat to do
exhort to do
Fair do's
feel honor-bound to do something
find it in (oneself) (to do something)
fine how do you do
fixin to do
from scratch
get it
get up (one's) nerve (to do something)
give anything (for something)
go and (do something)
go by the book
go downtown
go without
grow to do
had as soon do
had rather do
hand in hand
hard yards
haul off and do
have (something) to do
have a mind to do
have a/the right to (do something)
have cause to do
have got to (do something)
have half a notion to do
have it in one to do
have nothing to do
have nothing to do with
have the gall to do
have the guts (to do something)
have the heart (to do something)
have the presence of mind to do
have to do with
honey-do list
How bout them apples?
How do you do
How do you know?
How do you like school?
How do you like that?
How do you like them apples!
How do you like this weather?
How dumb do you think I am?
How many times do I have to tell you?
How may I help you?
How much do you want to bet?
I couldn't ask you to do that
I do
I do believe
I'd as leave do
I'd as soon do
I'd rather face a firing squad than do
if you can't do the time, don't do the crime
If you want a thing done well, do it yourself
if you've a mind to do
I'll be hanged if I (do something)
I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't
in no mood to do
in order to do
inclined to do
incumbent to do
instigate to do
it behooves one to do
it does no harm (for someone) to do (something)
It would take an act of Congress to do
it wouldn't do (someone) any harm (to do something)
itch to do
it's all can do
it's do or die
it's no crime to (do something)
I've done my do
I've got work to do
jump at the chance (to do something)
jump at the opportunity (to do something)
last chance (for/at/to do something)
lead to do
leap at the chance (to do something)
let (the) perfect be the enemy of (the) good
Let George do it
Let us do
Let’s do lunch
Let’s do lunch sometime
Let’s do the lunch thing
Let's do this again
license to do
live to do
make arrangements to do
make as if to do
make do
make do and mend
make every effort to do
make it business to
make the rounds
mean to do
might as well
Monkey see, monkey do
motion to do
move heaven and earth to do
neglect to do
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
never send a boy to do a man's job
no can do
No can do!
no one in his/her/their right mind would (do something)
not do a stroke (of work)
not do any favors
not have all day
not have the heart to do
nothing to do with
oblige to do
pay to do
persuade to do
poised to do
put off
raise money for
reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall
refuse to do
reluctant to do
request to do
right to do
run an errand
serve time
set out to do
set to do
slated to do scheduled to do
slow burn
so bad one can taste it
so do I
something to do with
strive to do
struggle to do
subpoena to do
suit oneself to do
Suppose I do?
supposed to
supposed to do
take the liberty to do (something)
tell someone what to do with something
tell what to do with
tempt to do
tend to do
that will do
that will never do!
That's a fine how-do-you-do
the done thing
the in thing to do
the least (someone) could do
the least can do
think to do
Those who can, do; those who can't, teach
those who can't do, teach
till death do us part
till death us do part
to do with
trouble to do
trust to do
Two wrongs do not make a right
undertake to do
urge to do
used to do
We have to do lunch sometime
welcome to do
What can I do you for?
what do I know
what do you know
What do you know for sure?
what do you know!
What do you know?
what do you make of
What do you say?
what do you take me for?
What do you think of that?
What do you think of this weather?
What do you think you are doing here?
What do you think?
What do you want me to say?
what do you want to bet (that)
what do you want, a cookie
what does that have to do with the price of tea in China
What else can I do for you?
What if I do?
What more can I do?
What more do you want - jam on it?
what would Jesus do
What's that got to do with the price of cheese?
What's that got to do with the price of eggs?
What's that got to do with the price of fish?
What's that got to do with the price of meat?
What's that got to do with the price of tea in China?
When do we eat?
when in Rome do as the Romans do
where do we go from here
Where do you get off?
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you're kidding?
Who do you think you're talking to?
Who do you want?
Will do
With whom do you wish to speak?
work wonders
would as soon do as look at you
You couldn't!
You got to do what you got to do
you kiss your mother with that mouth?
You make a better door than you do a window
Common Names:
Native American, Mapuche
Slavic Mythology
Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
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